Purpose This training will provide test coordinators with information regarding test security to implement a secure, uniform administration of all state and district assessments. Topics of discussion: Test coordinator’s responsibilities Testing conditions Types of irregularities TISV submission
LO and dol Lo: Tcwbat identify types of testing irregularities, how to prevent them from happening, and understand procedures for reporting testing irregularities. Dol: tcwbatsu by analyzing a testing irregularity scenario to determine the type of irregularity and identify all the steps needed to appropriately report the irregularity with 100% accuracy.
Test coordinator’s responsibilities Conduct inventory of test materials upon receipt Count booklets, answer documents, manuals Report in writing any missing tests booklets or discrepancies in serial numbers Arrange testing locations and Assign test administrators Designate rooms/spaces that reflect school’s instructional environment Classrooms are recommended rather than large-group testing sites such as cafeteria, gym, or auditorium Doors should remain open
Test coordinator’s responsibilities Conduct training on the campus with all school personnel Inform principal of all policies and procedures regarding test security and test administration Train as many staff members as possible Keep dated and signed documentation of all campus personnel that was trained (sign-In sheets) Maintain documentation from campus training (powerpoint, handouts,etc.)
Test coordinator’s responsibilities Follow all written test administration instructions included in the manuals Be available during testing sessions to answer questions Seek guidance from local assessment, state and national assessments, or the office of test security for any testing issues requiring immediate attention Monitor test sessions to ensure that procedures and guidelines are being followed in testing rooms
Test coordinator’s responsibilities Ensure test materials are kept secure at all times Keep accurate written documentation of distributed test materials each day with date, time, serial numbers, and to whom distributed (Materials control form) Lock up secure test materials before and after testing each day Supervise any non-certified campus personnel with access to secure materials Return all used and unused test materials to designated location by deadline Report testing irregularities immediately seek guidance from local assessment or state and national assessments For serious violations (Cheating) – call rina immediately
Testing conditions Testing environment: Testing rooms should be comfortable and appropriate for all students, Announcements should not be made during testing unless absolutely necessary, Lighting should be adequate, Tables/chairs and/or desks are available, Post “quiet” or “testing in progress” signs, Doors should remain open during testing – possible exceptions: portables, small group testing rooms, Ensure space in testing rooms for backpacks, duffle bags, purses, electronic devices, and All instructional displays/bulletin boards that might aid examinees must be covered or removed regardless of the subject.
Testing conditions Test administrators: Should be prepared and familiar with test directions prior to testing, Must read test directions verbatim from manual, Must not answer questions about specific test items, Must actively monitor students during testing by walking around the testing room – test administrators and hall monitors cannot use computers, laptops, or cell phones, grade papers, or read a book or magazine during testing, Cannot look at test questions in the test booklets or answers on answer documents, Should collect test booklets and answer documents when each student has completed testing, and Must make sure students are not discussing test information during lunch or during any breaks.
Testing conditions Cell phones and electronic devices: Must be collected by the test administrator before test materials have been passed out to students, Only returned after testing has finished for the day, Are not returned to students during lunch, and test administrators and hall monitors are not allowed to use electronic devices during testing except in the case of an emergency. Snacks during testing: Not recommended, Test booklets/answer documents must be closed and removed from desks/tables, and Testing time cannot be stopped for a snack break.
Testing conditions Classroom test administration configuration: Teachers cannot test their own students in the subject(s) and/or content/grade level in which they receive tei’s (refer to ek (regulation) for specific criteria per grade level), “specials” teachers are allowed to administer tests for core content areas, and Instructional coaches are prohibited from administering tests (or relieving test administrators) in the subject area they coach. Seating charts: must be accurate and completely filled out and Must include a diagram showing where each student was actually seated during testing.
Activity test security I-spy how many problems do you see????
(How many problems do you see?) Use these calculators for math tests! Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. E 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. E 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. E 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. E 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. D 30. E 41. A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. E 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. E 51. A 52. B Class Mom Text Book Test Security I-Spy (How many problems do you see?) How to solve for (x) (15 x 2) + (9 – y) = x Step 1-…………… Step 2-…………… Step 3-…………… TEKS 8.1.B Seating chart Use these calculators for math tests!
Test security i-spy answers Backpack next to student desk 8. soda on desk Purse next to student desk 9. test administrator Food on desk on cell phone Ipad on desk 10. calculators in box textbook on desk 11. test answers on board Student on desk 12. instructional poster Parent in the testing room 13. seating chart not posted
Types of irregularities Serious – irregularities that constitute severe violations of test security and/or confidentiality and can result in the individual(s) responsible being referred to the TEA educator standards and certification legal division for consideration of disciplinary action Procedural – irregularities that are less severe and typically the result of minor deviations from testing procedures
Serious irregularities Directly or indirectly assisting students with responses by identifying answers to test questions or directing students to rework or change answers Viewing secure test content before, during, or after and administration without permission Discussing secure test content, students responses, or student performance Tampering (changing) student responses Failing to report an irregularity
Procedural irregularities Testing personnel lost or misplaced a completed answer document(s) or test booklet(s) Student administered the wrong test Failing to provide an accommodation or providing an unallowable accommodation Test administrator failed to read the directions verbatim as outlined in the manual Test administrator left a room unmonitored while students were testing or with secure materials present
Activity test security sort and match Get with a partner Work together to decide which card goes with each scenario
Test irregularity/security violation (TISV) submission guidelines Determine type of irregularity Contact local Assessment, state and national assessments, and/or office of test security for guidance Collect statements (refer to “questions to Answer” and “Sample statement” on la or sna websites for how to write an appropriate statement) Submit information in the online tisv form
How to write a statement
TISV form (top)
TISV form (bottom)
TISV form Practice Practice Link http://scbpaswmsas01/eaonline/ Steps for submitting a testing irregularity handout
Testing irregularity scenario 1 You are the campus test coordinator at an elementary campus. You receive a phone call from a parent telling you that his 5th grade child stated, “I know I passed my STAAR math test because Mrs. XXXX pointed to the ones I got wrong and shook her head. I fixed my wrong ones.” 1. Determine what specific violation(s)/irregularity(ies) has/have allegedly occurred. Procedural or serious?
Testing irregularity scenario 1 Serious: Directly or indirectly assisting students with responses to test questions. Viewing secure test content before, during, or after an administration without permission. What are next steps?
Testing irregularity scenario 1 2. Tell your principal. 3. Call Rina Davis (Office of Test Security) for further guidance on how to handle the situation. Call your Districtwide Testing Coordinator and let her know what has happened. 4. Have your principal tell Executive Director.
Testing irregularity scenario 1 5. Follow given instructions: Collect typed and signed statements from all parties involved. (Student statements do not need to be typed.) Follow “Sample Statement” guidelines. Make copies of seating charts, testing rosters, student rosters, training materials, sign-in sheets from training, signed oaths. C. Submit irregularity using online TISV form. D. Take/send copied documentation to Rina. 6. Develop plan of action to avoid a reoccurrence.
Need help? Office of test security: rina davis arguello@dallasisd.org 972-925-8868 Local Assessment: http://assessment.dallasisd.org 972-925-8940 State and national http://www.dallasisd.org/sna Assessments: 972-925-6410 Service center: 972-925-4430