Concerned Women for Family Development (CWFD) Md. Shamim Sarder MDS 111521
Introducing CWFD Concerned Women for Family Development (CWFD) emerged to help women in need of reproductive care counseling. ‘Concerned Women for Family Planning (CWFP)’ started in 1976. In the beginning CWFP had a single focus program on family planning. New component of the program was added over time from the realization that mere family planning will not change the status of the women. To signify this change its name ‘Concerned Women for Family Development (CWFD)’ CWFD now has more Than 800 professional staff serving a population of 3.2 million people.
First activity implementation area : Old Dhaka in 1976
Vision: Mission: Empower Women of Bangladesh to achieve better status within the family and society. Mission: CWFD is a non-political, non-profit voluntary organization run by women of Bangladesh to support, promote and protect the interest of women in Bangladesh by providing community based health care, creating economic opportunities, empower under privileged youth of urban and rural population and develop Human Resources for a positive social change.
Values: Well being of women is the fundamental value in all decision making and in action Human approach Ensure quality of service Team spirit/team work Ensure transparencies and independence in activities Flexibility and adaptability Professional responsibilities are guided by honesty, integrity and commitment
Dhaka Tangail Lalmonirhat Magura Potuakhali Khulna Bhola Barisal At present CWFD has 39 Outlet at 16 Districts in Bangladesh Dhaka Tangail Lalmonirhat Magura Potuakhali Khulna Bhola Barisal Mymensingh Naogaon Nilfamary Borguna Gazipur Netrokona Jhalakathi Chittagong
Present Programs Health Care Service Adolescents Empowerment Prevention of Domestic Violence Human Resource Development Primary Education Economic opportunities for Women
Now I highlight on Adolescents Empowerment project which name is ‘AGAMI’ Improving Reproductive and Sexual Health of Young People by increasing the age at marriage in India, Nepal & Bangladesh Implemented Organization: Concerned Women for Family Development (CWFD) European Union
Project at a glance Name of the Project: AGAMI Title of the Action: Improving Reproductive and Sexual Health of Young People by increasing the age at marriage in India, Nepal & Bangladesh Co- Financed by: European Commission Implemented by: CONCERNED WOMEN FOR FAMILY DEVELOPMENT (CWFD) Beneficiaries: Adolescents & Young Group (10-24 age) Project period: March 01, 2009 to December 31, 2013
Project Implementation Districts European Union Tangail Magura Gazipur Khulna Dhaka
Background: European Union Early marriage and early pregnancy (EMEP) is a multi faceted problems, deep rooted in culture and systems. So, adolescents and young people, especially young girls will be the primary target group for this project. The project has been implementing in 5 districts of Bangladesh In each district a population of 100000 with approximately 30,000 young people have covered. Unmarried-married, out of school-in school, working and nonworking young girls and boys will be enrolled through the programs. Special efforts made to be inclusive of the marginalized and the poorest of the poor. Change in behavior should focus not only on individual, but also on collective behaviors, norms and values of the society. Therefore, a wide range of stakeholders has been addressing in this project.
Major Activities under Objective 1 There are Five objective under this project to prevent early marriage and reduce early pregnancy Objective 1: To strengthen existing policy and program through advocacy with key government departments and institutions for ‘right’ ‘legal’ age at marriage and delayed first pregnancy. Major Activities under Objective 1 Review of Policy & Programs of National Level Issue based Advocacy Meeting with Govt. Officials Capacity Building Workshop for Medical & Paramedical Staff Training of Teachers (TOT) on Life Skill Education Orientation to Kazi / Marriage Registrar / Imam on Early Marriage Issue Advocacy & Sensitization Workshop at Central Level Central/District Level Dissemination Meeting Formation of Parliamentarian Forum Cross Country Exposure Visit of Young Parliamentarian European Union
Major Activities under Objective 2 To undertake community mobilization to increase the age at marriage and delayed first pregnancy through implementing NGOs in the direct. Major Activities under Objective 2 Community Mobilization One to One Interaction / Household Visit Meeting with Parents / In-Laws Meeting with Stakeholder at Community Level Meeting with Religious Leader Formation Ballo Biye Protirodh Committee in ward level Mass Awareness Program European Union
Empowering Young People Meeting with Young People Formation of Youth Groups Formation of Youth Information Center (YIC) Peer Education (Life Skill Educations) Formation of Youth Group through Peer Educator Youth Courts Life Skill Building Workshop with Married & Unmarried Young Girls Life Skill Building Workshop with Male Celebration of Important Days European Union
Major Activities under Objective 3 Identify, development and strengthen a network of NGO’s/ CBO’s to mainstream the issue of early marriage in their on going development programs and to under take and participate in advocacy initiatives on the issues. Major Activities under Objective 3 Selection of Network Partners (NGO & CBO) Orientation and Planning Workshop for Network Partners Technical Support to Network Partners Advocacy Drive against EMEP by selected Networks Chartering of Like Minded NGO’s European Union
Major Activities under Objective 4 To undertake media advocacy for meaningful participation of media houses to generate public opinion on right age of marriage and delayed first pregnancy. Major Activities under Objective 4 Mapping of Media Agencies and Persons One to one Interaction with Media Agencies Invite for Field visit / Important Project Events Media Sensitization workshop at district Level Media Fellowship Newsletter Designing and Publication European Union
Major Activities under Objective 5 European Union Objective 5: To develop a participatory Management Information System (MIS) and facilitate knowledge management with regard to SRHR (Sexual Reproductive Health Rights) of youth with special focus on prevention of Early Marriage and Early Pregnancy Major Activities under Objective 5 Baseline Data Collection through PLA at District Level PLA Result Sharing with Community Level Management Information System (MIS) Reporting on Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly
Achievement European Union District NGO coordination committee included early marriage as an issue in monthly coordination meeting minutes. We have ensured health service for adolescents in specific area. 917 youth & Parents takes health service from CC as per our register book. Number of Ten schools have been provided space for YIC. LSE session is conducted by teachers and included in their routing.
European Union Achievement Formed 31 BBPC (Ballo Biye Protirodh Committee) in five district. Trained 120 Religious leaders on prevent early marriage issue and importance of marriage registration. AGAMI project have trained 625 adolescents as a peer educator for issue base session conduct. MOU formed for providing health service with Marie Stopes, Smiling sun clinc.
European Union Achievement 25 likeminded NGO they have undertaken activities on our project issues in different areas like advocacy and mass awareness. Increased level of publishing of our project activity.
Frequently contribution to Govt. activity. Challenges European Union Frequently contribution to Govt. activity. Sometimes it is tough to maintain their request (UNO & DC). Trained peer educator migrated Sustainability of Community YIC. Sometimes community people also elected representative create blockage. Dishonesty by marriage register.