Black Power
The rise of black power… African Americans were frustrated with the slow progress of the nonviolent protests SNCC and other organizations kicked out their white members Young African Americans were promoting “black power”
What was black power??? Some believed it meant physical self-defense and violence were acceptable in order to defend your freedom Others believed that it meant African Americans should be allowed to “control the social, political and economic direction of their struggles”
Black Power: Pride in African American culture Afro hairstyles & clothing African/ African American classes in college Preferred racial distinctiveness instead of adapting to the dominant culture
Malcolm X Symbol of black power movement Joined Black Muslims: which preached black nationalism Black Muslims: Attempted to be self-sufficient Did not advocate violence but rather self-defense Separated themselves from other races to form their own communities
What happened to Malcolm X? Broke from the Black Muslims after trip to Mecca Criticized the organization and leader Three members shot him while giving a speech His legacy: “African Americans may have been victims of the past but they did not have to allow racism to victimize them in the present”
The Black Panthers Founders were influenced by Malcolm X Black Panther Party for Self-Defense: Urged African Americans to arm themselves and force white society to give them equal rights Created community programs to try to combat poverty and improve health Unfortunately, their military tactics overshadowed the good they were doing Ultimate goal was to advance social justice for African Americans