Spring Kite Project CC Math 8 Ms. White
The Basics You may work in teams of 2-3. You may work alone with Ms. White’s permission. Once your teams are reported to me, you may not change them, so choose carefully!
The Basics You may work in teams of 2-3. You may work alone with Ms. White’s permission. Once your teams are reported to me, you may not change them, so choose carefully! You must design your kite on paper before constructing it
The Basics You may work in teams of 2-3. You may work alone with Ms. White’s permission. Once your teams are reported to me, you may not change them, so choose carefully! You must design your kite on paper before constructing it Your design must include a scale drawing of the final product, with dimensions clearly labeled! Will your drawing be an enlargement or reduction?
The Basics You may work in teams of 2-3. You may work alone with Ms. White’s permission. Once your teams are reported to me, you may not change them, so choose carefully! You must design your kite on paper before constructing it Your design must include a scale drawing of the final product, with dimensions clearly labeled! Will your drawing be an enlargement or reduction? The materials for your project must be items readily available from home – plastic bags, fabric, string, pipe cleaners, string/yarn, newspaper, etc.
What’s next? We will discuss specifics – rubric, deadline, etc. on Monday, 5/18 Right now you should be picking teams and researching kite designs You may also start to look for and collect household items to use for your kite