Week Beginning Monday 4th January 2016 The Epiphany
An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of sudden and striking realization. In Christianity, the Epiphany refers to a realization that Christ is the Son of God. Western churches generally celebrate the Visit of the Magi as the revelation of the Incarnation of the infant Christ, and commemorate the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6. "Epiphany" refers to God’s Self-revelation, as well as to the revelation of Jesus, as His Son.
The Epiphany is an ancient Christian feast day and is significant in a number of ways. In the East, where it originated, the Epiphany celebrates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. It also celebrates Jesus' birth. The Western Church began celebrating the Epiphany in the 4th century where it was, and still is, associated with the visit of the magi (wise men) to the infant Jesus, when God revealed himself to the world through the incarnation of Jesus. According to Matthew 2:11 they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Many Christians around the world, annually celebrate Epiphany on January 6. It is a public holiday in many countries and marks two events in Jesus Christ’s life, according to the Christian Bible. The first event was when the three wise men, or kings, visited infant Jesus. The second event was when St John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Epiphany is a public holiday in countries such as Austria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland, Ethiopia (but on a different, date that varies annually), parts of Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, and Uruguay. It is not a public holiday in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States (except the US Virgin Islands where it is a public holiday).
Name Language Epiphany English Epiphanie French Heilige Drei Könige German Epifanía del Señor Spanish Epifania Italian Trettende dag jul Norwegian Loppiainen Finnish Zjavenie Pána Slovak Trettondedag jul Swedish Sveta tri kralja Croatian Trettande dag jol Norwegian (nynorsk)
Let us pray….. We thank you for the wonderful world you have given us to explore and to use to your greater glory. We thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ, your Son, who died that we might have life and live it to the full. Send your Spirit to accompany us on our daily journey. Give us wisdom that we may find you in all things. Give us understanding that we may learn our lessons well. Give us compassion that we may show your face to those we meet. Give us generosity that we may share the gifts you have given us. Give us faith that we may have confidence in ourselves. Above all give us love that we may bring joy into the lives of those around us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Adrian Porter SJ