Causes & Effects.


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Presentation transcript:

Causes & Effects

LATIN AMERICAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE Peninsulares 0.1% of population Born in Spain Creoles 22.8 % of population Of Spanish ancestry, but born in Latin America Mestizos 7.3% of population People of mixed European & Indian ancestry Native Americans 55.8% of population Native people of Latin America prior to colonization Only group that could hold high office in Spanish colonial government Spain was able to keep loyalty of these colonial leaders Controlled wealth & most of the power in Spanish colonies This is a RIGID SOCIAL STRUCTURE (no moving between classes) SPANISH LATIN AMERICAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE Could NOT hold high-level political office Could be officers in the colonial armies Educated in Spain Controlled some wealth & some power in Spanish colonies Mulattos 7.6% of population People of mixed European & African ancestry Enslaved Africans 6.4% of population African born people used as slaves in Latin America Served an economic value in society (labor) Were of little economic value to the Spanish Most severely oppressed group

Latin American Revolutions

Brief description of the event: Who? What? When? Where?

Brief description of the event: Who? – Lower class people (mostly creoles) VS. their colonial rulers (Spain, France, Portugal) What? – a series of uprisings against oppressive European colonial rulers that resulted in gaining independence. When? – starting in 1791, ending in 1820s Where? – Latin America (Mexico, the Caribbean, & South America)

CAUSES: Enlightenment ideas (questioning society & gov’t) American Revolution & French Revolution (source of inspiration) Strong desire for independence (nationalism) – want to control their own land & economy Mercantilism exploiting Latin America’s resources & economy

CAUSES: Napoleonic Wars (his brother became King of Spain) Inequalities in the rigid Latin American social structure Creole resentment (they had little power compared to the peninsulares) Treatment of lower class people

EFFECTS: Many independent nations created & end of European colonization in Latin America Struggles for power & civil wars break out Military dictators end up taking control of the new independent nations – caudillos Many failed democracies

EFFECTS: Not much change in social status of the people Peonage system develops & families are tied to the land Unequal distribution of land Increase in poverty Latin America remained unindustrialized & became reliant on others to trade