Historicity of the Bible? Bible Infallibility? Other Religions? Creation or Evolution? Historicity of the Bible? Answers 315 Bible Contradictions? Discovering Christian Apologetics in a Fellowship Environment Does Truth Exist? Moral Law? Proof for God? But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. 1 Peter 3:15.
Welcome! What is this all about? A journey together into reasons why we can have confidence in Christianity as being the truth. To answer our own questions. To develop a stronger relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. To give us confidence and compassion to reach out to those around us.
Why Apologetics? The world today, particularly the Western world has departed from a Christian basis for societal norms. The media often presents a negative view of Christianity. The “New Atheists” are very aggressive and influential. Biblical knowledge very poor among the general public. Estimated 75%+ of young Christians entering university will depart from the faith. Our friends, family and acquaintances’ eternal life is at stake.
Basic Format A wide range of topics. Open ended – come for one series or permanently. Emphasis on Christian fellowship in an atmosphere of learning. Not “preachy” but interactive and lots of opportunity for questions. Steve and Fred are not the all-knowing sages! About 2 hours a meeting. Supper and fellowship Main meeting Prayer and ministry
Expectations… This is not an academic course. We may not be able to answer all of your questions BUT We will be able to direct you to sources where you may be able to get the answers. We encourage openness, honesty and lots of interaction. The objective is not knowledge but motivation to win people for Christ!
Up-coming Subjects This term – 23 Feb – 6 April Week 2 – The Case for the reliability of the Bible. Week 3 – Reliability of the New Testament Week 4 – Reliability of the Old Testament Week 5 – Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ Week 6 – Intro. to Worldviews – The Intolerance of “Tolerance” - 1. Week 7 – Intro. to Worldviews – The Intolerance of “Tolerance” – 2.
Up-coming Subjects Next Term – 4 May – 6 June Worldviews Continued… “I don’t have enough faith to be an Atheist!” Secular Humanism vs Christianity Islam vs Christianity Eastern Religions vs Christianity Evolution vs Creation “Evolution’s Achilles Heels” (3 parts) Creation presentation (?)
Christian Apologetics (Story of Ignatius) - Lee Strobel Christian Apologetics: What It Is? What It's Not? | Alex McFarland Christian Apologetics (Story of Ignatius) - Lee Strobel