Anusandhan Trust’s Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture Series
1991-2016 Silver Jubilee of AT AT’s Mission Founding Trustees of AT: doctors, social scientists, scientists with experience in research, teaching and active involvement in various social movements AT’s Mission to strive for universal access to social security which is equitable, ethical and socially just and accountable and responsive to the needs of the people.
Priority Areas of AT To promote research, advocacy, services, training and activities (RASTA) within a human rights framework to evolve evidence based policy framework for human development and social security, especially in areas of public health policy, health rights, health systems and financing, women’s rights and rights of all marginalised sections of society To reach out to governance structures, academic institutions, citizen’s associations, professional bodies
Founding Principles of AT and its Centres: CEHAT and SAATHI Social Relevance Democratic Functioning Ethical Concern Social Accountability Multicultural Ethos Gender Sensitivity and Responsiveness Two centres of AT, CEHAT (Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes) and SAATHI (support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiatives) have developed around theses principles
CEHAT’s work is directed at demanding access to health and health care as a right and investigating HR violations
CEHAT’s work on Violence against Women: Research and Action Courses Public Interest Litigations
SAATHI SATHI works with a rights based approach, promoting the perspective that instead of substituting for public systems or replacing them, it is essential to make these systems accountable and effective through organised and sustained public actions. SATHI fosters grassroots health rights actions through partnerships with civil society organisations and facilitating local, district, state and national level advocacy on health issues combined with action oriented research and publication.
Activities of SAATHI Collaborative advocacy for ensuring social control and regulation of private health care system Promoting Universal Health Care at Maharashtra state level Health system and policy research and related advocacy Training and capacity building
Centre for Study in Ethics and Rights (CSER) (2005-2013) AT established CSER to focus on ethical concerns in Social and bio-medical sciences. CSER worked closely with Forum for Medical Ethics and contributed for organisation of National Bioethics Conference. Many research based articles of CSER scholars are published in Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. CSER team organised training workshops for several research institutions and NGOs. Due to financial difficulties the centre had to close down.
AT instituted Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences to honour the intellectual and academic traditions that Krishna Raj set in place. This is a humble tribute to the memory of the visionary editor of the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW). To keep alive memory of a friend of AT team who always encouraged efforts at critical thinking in health studies and medical anthropology and provided support in terms of intellectual engagement, advise on publications and generation of data base.
Eighth: RCTs and Ethical Norms by Dr. Eric Suba Seventh : Rethinking Population Education: Challenging the Gender and Structural Violence of Prevailing Norms by Dr Betsy Hartmann Sixth : Ethics of Public Health interventions: A view from the frontline by Dr Yogesh Jain, JSS Fifth : Universal Access to Health care by Dr. K. Srinath Reddy , Dr. Armando de Negri Filho
Fourth: EQUITY AND HEALTH by Dr. GITA SEN Third: Clinical Trials and HealthCare regulation in India a day long workshop Second: Dominant Development and Peoples’ Alternatives Play and Interplay in Chhattisgarh by Prof. Ilina Sen First: Making and Un-making Poverty: Social science, Social Programmes, and Poverty Reduction in India and Elsewhere by Anirudh Krishna
Thank you.