Skills of Teaching and its components Dr. Goutam Patra Govt. College of Education, Banipur North 24 Paraganas West Bengal
Skills of Teaching “Teaching skills are specific instructional activities and procedures that a teacher may use in his classroom. They are related to the various stages of teaching or in the continuous flow of teacher’s performance” N.L.Gaze Activities based on skill: 1)Fixing objectives or goal 2) Deciding ways to achieve them
3) Learning experiences to be given 4) Maxims/principles to be followed 5) Teaching approaches to be followed 6) Teaching aids to be used 7) Time maintenance to each unit/sub-unit 8) Management of the class room A) Perception and interaction B) Diagnosis c) Reaction adopting strategies d) Assessing progress/achievement
Defined micro-teaching as a system of controlled practice that make it possible to concentrate on specific teaching skills and to practice teaching under controlled situation.(Allen & eve, 1968) Micro-Teaching is a teacher education technique which allows teachers to apply clearly defined teaching skills to carefully prepared lessons in a planned series of five to ten minutes with a small group of real students offer with an opportunity to observe on video-tape” (Bush,1968)
Characteristics of Micro teaching Teaching is realistic and not mechanical Objective based (skill development) A strategy for teacher’s training Analytical for particular teaching behaviour A small group teaching A class teaching of five to ten minutes Remedial and motivating Full of diversified actions-Observation, Analysis, Preparation, Practice, Transmission and evaluation
Three Phases of Micro Teaching-J.C.Cliff Knowledge acquisition phase- Observing, Demonstration of skill, Analysis and Discussion Skill acquisition phase-Preparing Micro lesson, Practice skills, Evaluating performance Skill acquisition phase transfer of skill to actual teaching situation
Importance of Micro-Teaching Technique Micro-elements: Helps trainees to master the components of the complicated task of teaching effectively at micro level. Identification of different teaching skills: Pre-instructional- writing instructional objectives, proper organization of content, selection of teaching –Aids and activities Instructional skills: Introducing lesson, explaining, illustrating with examples, questioning, probing questions, re-organising attending behaviour, re-inforcing pupil participation etc. Post Instructional skills: evaluation, performance test, remedial measures
Different Skills 2. Set –induction 3. Silence and non-verbal cues Allen Ryan—(14 slkills) 1. Stimulus variation 2. Set –induction 3. Silence and non-verbal cues 4. Reinforcement 5. Fluency in asking questions 6. Divergent questions 7. Recognizing attending behaviour 8. Illustrating and use of examples 9. Probing questions 10. High order questioning 11. Lecturing 12. Planned repetition 13. Completeness of communication 14. Closure
13 skills defined by Dr. Passi Writing instructional objectives Introducing lesson Fluency in questions Probing questions Explaining Illustrating with examples Stimulus variations Silence and non-verbal cues Reinforcement Increasing pupil participation Using Black board Achieving closure Re-organising attending behaviour
Types regarding utility Skill of explaining Skill of using Board Skill in increasing student’s participation Skill of identifying instructional objectives Skill of using audio-visual aids Skill of class management Skill of giving assignment
Questioning ‘Pranipatena pariprashnena sebaya’ Gita Sacretic Method and questioning Interrogative statement “ The class room teacher probably devotes more time and thought to asking questions than anybody since socrates. One might even say the teacher is a professional question maker”-Aschner “ By a conscious process of good questioning an intelligent teacher can lead his educational travellIng through unfamiliar regions to a desired destination.”
Types of Questioning Memory Question Organisational Question Reasoning Question Evaluative Question Inference Question Informational Question Comparison Question Analysis Question
Examination Question Drilling Question Review Question Developmental Question Recapitulatory Question Explanatory Question Summary Question Leading Question Factual answer type Question Disciplinary Question
Components of Skill of Questioning Clarity and precision of language Linking with specific objectives Re-focussing and redirecting Using students responses for further questioning Prompting