Establishing an Active Classroom Expeditionary Learning Professional Development
Learning Targets I can explain the purpose of protocols in supporting student engagement and achievement. I can identify contexts and purposes for specific protocols. I can plan to effectively use protocols and other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules to meet the Speaking and Listening standards.
Learning Target Tracker (p. 97) Please locate the Learning Target Tracker in your Participant Notebook. Take a moment to assess where you are in meeting these targets AT THE MOMENT. Mark where you are for each Learning Target with a symbol or the time. We will revisit this tracker at the end of this session to see how your understanding of this information has grown.
Learning Target I can explain the purpose of protocols in supporting student engagement and achievement.
The purpose of protocols Read pages 3-9 of Management in the Active Classroom, Part 2 located in your Participant Notebook (pp. 98-104) Annotate text as needed, but be sure to identify: one word that stands out to you as important. one sentence or phrase that stands out to you. one paragraph that stands out to you. Be ready to share your word, phrase and paragraph in 10 minutes.
Text Rendering Protocol Go around and have each person share the word that stood out to them and why. Go around again and have each person share the phrase/sentence that stood out to them and why. Finally, have each person share the paragraph that stood out to them and why. Discuss patterns or themes that emerged from using this protocol.
Protocols in Action I can identify contexts and purposes for certain protocols
Protocols in Action Each person in the table group will watch a different protocol in action from a video. As you watch, use the Video Jigsaw Notecatcher: Protocols in Action (p. 107) to capture: The purpose of the protocol (why use it?) The process of the protocol (brief overview) How the protocol supports student learning and engagement The groups are as follows: 1=Chalk Talk 2=Interactive Word Wall 3=Debrief Circles
Video Jigsaw Each group member has 3 minutes to share out the purpose, process and impact on students with the rest of the group. Others can capture the notes from other videos on the note- catcher, so you can reference them later.
Synthesis What were the various purposes identified for the various protocols? What were some of the common ways that protocols supported students? How did this Jigsaw protocol engage and support you as a learner?
Protocols to Promote Speaking and Listening Learning Target: I can plan to effectively use protocols and other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules to meet the Speaking and Listening standards.
Unpacking the Speaking and Listening Standards Move into grade-level teams (groups of 4-5) Materials you will need: Grade level Speaking and Listening standards or the Anchor Standards (pp. 109) Unpacking the Standards Task Card located in your Participant Notebook. (p. 110) Use the task card to unpack the standards and analyze how protocols connect to the standards.
Synthesis Which protocols that we have explored help meet some of your grade level speaking and listening standards?
Planning for effective protocols Learning Target: I can plan to effectively use protocols and other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules to meet the speaking and listening standards.
Planning for Protocols Using a 8th grade lesson, analyze for use of protocols (pp. 139-153) Use the Task Card (p. 111) to guide you through an analysis of the purpose and facilitation considerations of the protocol.
Turn and talk Turn to an elbow partner and tell them the purpose of your protocol and one thing you will focus on to facilitate it well.
Closing: Learning Targets Reflection I can explain the purpose of protocols in supporting student engagement and achievement. I can identify contexts and purposes for specific protocols. I can plan to effectively use protocols and other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules to meet the Speaking and Listening standards.
Revisiting the Learning Target Tracker (p. 97) Take a moment to assess where you are now in meeting these targets. Mark where you with a different symbol or the time. How has your understanding of the learning targets grown?