Warner Hospital & Health Services Specialty Clinic Providing you with specialty physicians in your hometown Open Monday thru Friday
PRAIRIE HEART Every other Thursday 217-788-0706 CARDIOLOGISTS PRAIRIE HEART Every other Thursday 217-788-0706 ADVOCATE BROMENN Dr. Gandhi Every Wednesday 217-937-5279 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Jennifer Stern, NP Every other Wednesday 309-451-3376 Dermatologist Jennifer Stern, NP Every other Wednesday 309-451-3376 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Ear, Nose, & Throat Specialist Dr. Azhar Aslam Every Tuesday 217-422-9036 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Gastroenterology Dr. Robert Clark Digestive Disease Consultants Every Monday 309-454-5900 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Dr. Guaglianone Every Tuesday 217-937-5279 Hematology/Oncology Dr. Guaglianone Every Tuesday 217-937-5279 Dr. Sriratana Every other Thursday 217-937-5279
Nephrology Kidney Specialist of Central Illinois Dr. Hasnain Dr. Dawood Dr. Qureshi 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month 217-937-5279 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Obstetrics/Gynecological Dr. Laurel Walton 2nd & 4Th Thursday 217-422-9740 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Dr. Jason Ye 1st & 3rd Friday 217-937-5279 Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Jason Ye 1st & 3rd Friday 217-937-5279
Dr. John Kefalas Cami Kistenfeger, PA 2nd Wednesday 217-425-2600 Orthopedics Dr. John Kefalas Cami Kistenfeger, PA 2nd Wednesday 217-425-2600 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Podiatry Dr. Marrochello Cortese Foot & Ankle Every Monday 800-747-3338 Dr. Setter Midstate Podiatry 2nd & 4th Wednesday 309-663-2306
Dr. Manjeshwar Prabhu 4th Monday of the Month 217-937-5279 Pulmonology Dr. Manjeshwar Prabhu 4th Monday of the Month 217-937-5279 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.
Dr. Vicken Chalian Every Tuesday 217-937-5279 Urology Dr. Vicken Chalian Every Tuesday 217-937-5279 All specialists are independent practitioners. They are not employees or agents of Warner Hospital & Health Services.