White Man’s Burden According to Kipling, in your own words, what is the white man’s burden? Highlight/underline some stanzas or versus you think really.


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Presentation transcript:

White Man’s Burden According to Kipling, in your own words, what is the white man’s burden? Highlight/underline some stanzas or versus you think really show what the burden means. Give some examples of the “burden” the white man have to endure.

Headlines Search for Missing Bride Continues. Bride Missing! Groom’s Family Blame History of Mental Illness. How do these headlines differ? Consider the wording and how a reader might respond to each article Which one would you read first? Which do you think would be most the most reliable source, why? Why do newspapers choose to present the same event so differently? Transition: Today we will compare two different newspaper accounts of an event in 1898

Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine, Havana Harbor, February 15, 1898

Cuba Colonized by Spain Cuba = rebels. Fighting for independence! Spain was thought to be brutal Sugar, Sugar, Sugar! (again) **Business for America U.S. abolished tariff on Cuban sugar in 1884. Production skyrockets! In 1894, tariff brought back. Cuban’s  Spain, once a power colonial nation, now only had the Philippines, Guam, some outposts in Africa, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Cubans fighting for independence from 1868-1878 (10 years) Got them to abolish slavery but failed at independence Now, American’s started investing in large sugar cane plantations. US was Cuba’s main market (they depended on this!) When the tariff was brought back, Cuban economy was ruined!

War for Independence Cuba Libre! Jose Marti Journalist/poet, launched a revolution. 1895. Used active guerrilla campaign. American opinion split Support Spain to protect investments. Enthusiastic about rebel cause. Guerrilla campaign- deliberately destroying property, especially American owned sugar mills and plantations . JOSE hoped to provoke U.S. intervention to help the rebels achieve CUBA LIBRE “a free Cuba” Cuba Libre!

Yellow Journalism Reporting that exaggerates the news to lure new readers. Legit reports of Cuban suffering/sensationalized stories. American sympathy for Cubans deepens. Reports printed saying there were poisoned wells and children being thrown to the sharks! Deepens American sympathy for the rebels.

McKinley sends U.S.S. Maine Sends Maine to Cuba to protect American lives and property. February 15th, 1898 U.S.S. Maine explodes. Sinks. Around 260 out of 350 American officers and crew died When McKinley took office he wanted to avoid war with Spain although demands for intervention were increasing! One man, Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish minister to the US, critized him saying he was weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd Roosevelt (assistant secretary of the navy at this time) also thought that McKinley was weak. Said he is “a white-livered cur” with “no more backbone than a chocolate éclair!” While American may have agreed, they were not happy that a Spanish official criticized THEIR president.

So… Who Sunk the Maine?

Awake United States! Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry! This song was rushed into print between the sinking of the Maine on February 16, 1898 and the declaration of war on April 25, 1898. Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry! How proudly sailed the warship Maine, a Nation’s pride, without a stain! A wreck she lies, her sailors slain. By two-faced butchers, paid by Spain! Eagle soar on high, And sound the battle cry Wave the starry flag! In mud it shall not drag! According to this song, who sunk the Maine? Does this prove the Spanish blew it up?

Read through Journal document and Times document and fill out “Guiding Questions”. With a partner, answer/discuss the questions that follow. Discuss with class

War breaks out! “Remember the Maine” U.S. public ready for a war! http://www.history.com/videos/roosev elt-fights-in-spanish-american- war#roosevelt-fights-in-spanish- american-war Remember the Maine was the rally cry for U.S. intervention in Cuba Even though the Spanish government agreed to almost everything the United States demanded, including a six month cease fire. Public opinion favors the war First battle starts in….The Philippines?!?!

The Philippines Roosevelt ordered Pacific fleet to to sail there in case of war George Dewey Sails to Manila Bay and destroys Spanish fleet. His victory leads to more troops in the Philippines Troops joined to help Filipino rebels fight Spanish troops surrender to Americans (not Filipinos) George Dewey I the American naval commander in the Pacific Philippines rebelled against Spanish rule all the time. Spain loses 381 at Manila while the US lost only one sailor, who collapsed form the heat! But back in the Caribbean…..

Invasion of Cuba U.S. Navy strong! Army small and not so strong. Not enough guns to go around Troops outfitted with woolen uniforms (wool in Cuba?) Officers (Civil War vets) just reminisced Civil War vets couldn't help but recall their war experience than actually training volunteers Even with all the handicaps, America still did some good.

Rough Riders Volunteer cavalry San Juan Hill Led by Roosevelt Victory for U.S.! Credit to Roosevelt and his Rough Riders Army lands in Cuba (Santiago) in 1898 with four African-American regiments pf regular army, and the Rough Riders San Juan Hill- name given by the Americans Very bloody battle 2 days after this battle, Spanish fleet tries to escape the American blockade of harbor at Santiago. Naval battle followed and ended in destruction of the Spanish fleet! July 17, Santiago surrenders and American troops invaded Puerto Rico

Treat of Paris - 1898 *****Asks for….. Cuba to become independent Spain to give Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States U.S. would pay Spain $20 million for the annexation of the Philippine Islands U.S. and Spain signed an armistice “Splendid little war” only 16 weeks

To Annex or not to Annex? Great debate among U.S. citizens on what to do. What IS Annexation? Incorporation of some territory into another entity (usually smaller region into a bigger region) NEXT TIME- in class debate on the Philippines Annexation Annexation– Usually smaller or weaker territory Another way to look at imperialism

Ticket out the door! Answer the following writing prompt (1-2 paragraphs) Which account on the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine is more believable? Why? Does the difference in accounts matter? Why or why not.