Autumn Term Education Learning Events (2017-18) Education Workshops (Away Day Follow-Ups) Understanding Assessment Criteria Monday 20th November 2017, 11am – 1pm 4SA.6.19 Feedback and Reflection Tuesday, 12th December 2017, 9am – 11.30am 4SA.6.19 Mind-Hack Series Growth Mindset Monday 20th November 2017, 3pm – 4.30pm 4SA.6.19 Memory Friday 1st December 2017, 10am – 11.30am 4SA.6.17 Getting Things Done Wednesday 6th December 2017, 10am – 11.30am 4SA.6.17 Informal Education Networking Events (no booking required) Theme: Positive Learning Community Wednesday 22nd November 2017, 12pm - 1pm 4SA.6.19 Theme: Assessment Thursday 7th December 2017, 12pm - 1pm 4SA.6.19 Learning Events: This calendar of events has been designed to help you plan your engagement with Education activities during the academic year 2017/18. How to book: When you have decided on the sessions you wish to attend, click on the links and/or log on to HR Organiser to register for a place on your chosen session by selecting the ‘Professional Development’ tab. You will not need book for Informal Education Networking meetings. Waiting lists (new): If you are interested to attend a learning event but are not able to attend on any of the dates indicated, please place your name on a waiting list on HR Organiser so that additional learning events can be scheduled when there is sufficient demand. To do this, simply follow the links to the relevant learning event and select ’waiting list’ instead of ’book your place’. Coming Soon: There will be additional workshops that have not yet been updated on HR Organiser. If you have any suggestions for additional development opportunities, please inform
Other Available Support and Events Available Spring and Summer Term Education Workshops (Away-Day Follow-Ups) Reflective practice and continuous improvement Learning Spaces Large group assessment Delivering teaching to large groups Innovative assessment methods and inclusive teaching New Upcoming Events Other Available Support and Events Available Education Conference Thursday, 11th January 2018, 9.30am - 4pm NTC.2.01 The one-day conference will include a mixture of practical, theoretical and discussion-based elements all focusing towards how we can make best use of multi-dimensional spaces available to us in order to create and sustain an effective and positive learning community and community-based identity. Additionally, we will be looking at the many types of learning spaces available at the University of Essex. Good Teaching Practice Conference Wednesday, 2nd May 2018 (TBC) This event is designed to allow colleagues from across departments and faculties to share and promote some of the excellent teaching practices currently being undertaken at Essex. The day will provide opportunities to network and discuss ideas to bring excellence to your own teaching practice. Mind-Hack Series Critical and creative thinking Mind-mapping Design thinking and solving challenges Should you require further information, please contact Organisational Development at
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice (PG CHEP) Session Title Date Time Venue Getting started with module one/two Friday, 12th January 2018 9:30am - 4pm NTC.2.01 Moving on with PG CHEP Wednesday, 18th April 2018 TBC Preparing to submit Wednesday, 25th July 2018 CADENZA Session Title Date Time Venue D1 Writing days Tuesday, 10th April 2018 Wednesday, 11th April 2018 9:30am - 4:30pm 4SA.6.17 D2 Writing days 15th January 2018 Monday, 26th March 2018 Wednesday, 28th March 2018 Wednesday, 29th August 2018 D3/D4 Writing days Thursday, 14th December 2017 Friday, 6th April 2018 Friday, 13th July 2018 3.410 4SA.6.19 D3/D4 Support session Wednesday, 4th April 2018 12:30pm - 2:30pm Applying for D1 Thursday, 22nd March 2018 1pm - 3pm Training for CADENZA assessors and panel readers Thursday, 8th February 2018 Monday, 21st May 2018 10am -12pm 12pm - 2pm CADENZA: drop-in session for staff and GTAs Tuesday, 6th February 2018 Tuesday, 27th March 2018 Thursday, 29th March 2018 Monday, 14th May 2018 Tuesday, 4th September 2018 1pm – 2pm 12.30pm – 2.30pm 12pm – 2pm 12.30pm – 1.30pm 12.30pm – 2pm TF.0.35* TBC *Additional CADENZA workshops will be scheduled in Loughton and Southend.
MOODLE RESOURCES Learning Lounge Supervising Doctoral Studies Formerly known as the Talent Development Dashboard; now updated as the ‘Learning Lounge’. This is an ongoing project providing a virtual staff room where many online supporting resources are available. This VLE resource is updated often with new content and staff can make use of the customisable front-page; where special interests can be subscribed to. It also contains a noticeboard which includes key information of learning and support events. Supervising Doctoral Studies This resource was developed in conjunction with Epigeum to provide a range of pathways to supporting all research supervisors. There are pathways to support the development and supervisory practice of those new to supervision, Essex specific resources, helpful to those new to supervising at Essex and a refresher quiz designed for experienced supervisors to self-check that they are up to date with current rules and regulations. All supervisors are now expected to engage with these resources over this academic year. Education Development Toolkit This Moodle resource supports academic staff in many aspects of curriculum design and development. Within the Toolkit, there are links and resources containing information on how a curriculum can be best designed, reviewed and engaged with by students. Questions are provided as prompts for consideration by staff as they undertake their planning and reflection. Managing Groupwork This resource is currently being developed to support diversifying group work assessment at Essex. It contains a wide range of resources and examples as well as identifying best practice from the pedagogic literature in how individuals can be effectively and fairly assessed for participating in group activities. This Moodle resource is currently being developed to include examples of how group work is assessed from across the University, while highlighting the benefits and risks to the different approaches. We are currently welcoming feedback on this resource with the aim of developing it further based on the needs of departments. People Strategy in Action Contains advice and guidance in a range of formats to support managers. Resources range from ‘quick guides’ to approach people related challenges, an interactive tool showing different approaches for development at work and the University’s expectations of a manager. Should you require further information, please contact Organisational Development at