Basic Units Length meters Mass kilograms Time seconds
Temperature Kelvin Amount Chm Mole Current Ampere Luminous In Candela
Metric Prefixes Mega(M) Nano(n) Kilo(k) Milli(m) Centi(c) Micro(m)
Metric Prefixes (M) = 106 (n) = 10-9 (k) = 103 (m) = 10-3 (c) = 10-2
How close you are to the real answer Accuracy How close you are to the real answer
Precision How well one can repeat his or her work Repeatability
Uncertainty All measurements have a degree of unreliability Usually in the last digit of a measurement
Meaningful digits in a number Significant Digits Meaningful digits in a number
Multiplication Uncertainty The answer should have the same number of significant digits as the multiplier with the least number of SD Same for division
Addition Uncertainty When adding, line up decimal place & add The decimal places in the answer should = the least Same for subtraction
Determining Significance All non-zero digits All zeros between non-zero numbers All trailing zeros if there is a decimal place
Scientific Notation M x 10n M = 1.00 M < 10.00 n = an integer
Conversion Factor Ratio equal to one 12 inches/1 foot Multiply one unit by a conversion to obtain another unit w/o affecting magnitude
Convert: 2.50 cm to Mm 4.2 ns to ms 3.15 kg to mg
Determine the length in miles of a light year Light year = distance light travels in one year c = 3.0 x 108 m/s 1 mile = 5280 ft 1 inch = 2.54 cm
Convert: 4.35 kg/L to mg/mL 2.31 mm/ns to cm/Ms
Calculate the volume in m3 occupied by 750 kg of gas with 1 Calculate the volume in m3 occupied by 750 kg of gas with 1.50 g/L 1 cm3 = 1 mL
Calculate the mass in kg of a board that has dimensions of 250 mm x 4 Calculate the mass in kg of a board that has dimensions of 250 mm x 4.0 x 104 mm x 2.5 m and had a density of 0.80 g/mL 1 ml = 1 cm3
Calculate the density of a 3. 14 x 103 kg cylinder that 5 Calculate the density of a 3.14 x 103 kg cylinder that 5.0 m long & has a diameter of 2.0 m.
How many nm will an object travel in 1/132 ks at 720 miles per hour 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 mile = 5280 ft
Measurements Work problems 5 - 12 on page 23
Sig. Figs. Work problems 17 - 24 on page 23
Conv. Factors Work problems 28 & 36 on page 24
Measurements Work problems 5 - 12 on page 25
Define all the key terms on page 24
Work problems 13 - 16 on page 25
Conversion Factors Work problems 37 - 46 on page 25