‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Hosanna! ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Blessed is the king of Israel! Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
The King of Love - Palm Sunday John 12:12-19 Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Character Analysis The Crowd Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Character Analysis – The Disciples Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Character Analysis – The Lazarus Witnesses Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Character Analysis – The Pharisees Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Character Analysis – Jesus Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Jesus is KING! Humble Non militaristic or political Divisive Universal Inconvenient - crazy donkey man Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Some names for Jesus Saviour Friend God Prince of peace Which 3 Lord King Teacher Healer Shepherd Which 3 do you most relate to? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
The Movements of Holy Week Crowd Cross Resurrection Are you stuck in any of these places? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town