Solutions for Containers and MS SQL Server 2017 9/1/2017
Containers Enable Application Portability Faster DevOps, Agile IT = Faster time to market Release Deploy Test Build Operate Monitor Plan Code Cloud Strategy: Portable apps, cloud on-ramp Optimize IT: Increase utilization, avoid lock-in, cut costs <Click> Containers make applications portable and easier to manage than ever before. This has made them popular for three use cases: Docker portability streamlines application development. Because Docker enables them to build and run the same way in every environment, Docker removes the lock-in, incompatibilities that slow-down IT and DevOps teams. Docker is a big part of cloud strategy. 80% of customers who use containers say it will be part of their strategy to move applications between on-premises and their favorite clouds and even switch between clouds And in a new twist, many enterprise IT teams are looking at using it to cut costs, by reducing the amount they spend on VMware licenses. Docker application virtualization lets you run applications to run in more places without the use of a virtual machine – so you increase hardware utilization and reduce hypervisor licensing costs. Extremely popular for new app development, now they’re growing in popularity for traditional applications and enterprises too: Everyone wants container portability and Docker automation for more things. There’s just one big catch:
Persistent Storage For Docker Containers What About Your Data? How will you automate data management at the speed and scale of Docker? Speed up DevOps and Easily Automate Industry Leading Docker Integration Rich REST APIs that integrate with Ansible & Puppet Lift & Shift Data with Applications When applications move between environments, should data move with them? How do you get the performance, availability, and efficiency you need? Simple. Fast. Efficient. Consistent Performance 5-10x Less Capacity Consumed Transformed Support & Maintenance If you want Docker container portability for more applications you need the same level of portability and automation for data as you have for Docker containers. And you need to make life easy for both Ops and DevOps teams across the entire infrastructure and DevOps life cycles. <<Optional Questions to help the audience understand why data is so important: >> Why Data is so important: Most enterprise applications rely on persistent data that is stored and remembered between sessions. Some optional questions to help the audience realize this: Does your enterprise use applications that track business, accounting, finance, operations, or customers? How does the application store data? Does it have a database or filesystem? To operationalize containers and reap the full benefits (see previous slide for examples if you want to list them), managing data should be as easy as managing containers themselves. Since Docker historically worked with stateless applications it isn’t designed to solve these problems. That means you need a persistent storage solution that does for data what Docker does for containers. Without it, containers will be limited to supporting mostly stateless applications. Here are some of the challenges customers have with persistent data. That’s why we’ve designed our unique persistent storage solve these challenges: Q: Docker automates application portability by making containers easy to spin up and kill off, but it doesn’t offer these capabilities for data. How do you avoid slowing DevOps teams that work with data? <Click> A: We offer industry leading Docker integration and rich Rest APIs to offer DevOps teams the self-service automation they need so there’s no more waiting on IT. Q: Cloud – Docker containers let you build, ship, run, and move applications anywhere. Should the data move with it? <Click> A: When your applications and data move from on premise to cloud, we help the data move with it. Once connected to your favorite clouds, we offer you a central location with Nimble Cloud Volumes so you can switch clouds without moving your data. Challenge: Last. Things need to be easy and efficient for operations too. You need to be able to meet your SLAs. If you’re saving money and making your life easier with hypervisor and servers, you need storage that will let you do the same. <Click> A: We make operations easy because we bring Nimble’s Radically simplicity to your container environment. That means you get InfoSight and our transformed support experience, consistent flash performance from Predictive Infrastructure, and the efficiency you’re used to from a enterprise class storage solution. We de-dedupe and compress your data. Our Predictive Infrastructure learns from our entire install base to make enterprise operations automatic and easy. InfoSight Predictive Analytics uses machine learning across our entire install base to keep machines up and running, to offer visibility across your entire infrastructure stack from the storage up to the VM to make sure you’re getting the best performance possible at all times. With Nimble, you consume 5-10x less storage compared to using DAS. Because you don’t need store 3 copies to get data resiliency and high availability. Both DAS and Cloud storage achieve their data resiliency. It’s a headache to manage the copies and keep them in sync. Instead, we do it with Triple +Parity RAID so you don’t have to store 3 data copies. In addition we de-dupe, compress and offer thin-provisioning. All of which help you less much less storage than you would with commodity disk.
Nimble Offers Industry Leading Docker Integration Automation Performance & Availability Performance polices Highly available Measured Availability QoS & Volume Placement All Flash and Hybrid Global or locally scoped volumes QoS limits Security & Permissions Granular Encryption Permissions & ownership Data Protection & Storage Efficiency Protection templates Thin Provisioning Variable block dedupe and compression Application Data Portability Integration with Nimble Cloud Volumes Volume import Legacy Docker Clones Planned for a Future Release * Today there are over 20 storage Docker plugins that let you create and provision new persistent volumes right from the Docker interface. We do much more than that. Here are the capabilities that differentiate us from our competitors: Automation - We make self-service easy for DevOps teams because we are the only storage vendor to offer full support for Windows and Linux Containers to manage your data right from the Docker interface. You don’t have to be a storage expert. You just have to know how to use Docker command line, API, or tools. We also offer REST APIs that plugin to your favorite system automation tools making it easy for DevOps teams to manage their own persistent volumes. For example, you can create hundreds of data copies in minutes to speed up Dev, QA, and staging – right from the Docker command line and APIs Performance and Availability: You can control application specific performance policies, volume placement, and isolation to ensure good performance for all when you prevent noisy neighbors. We offer six-9’s backed by InfoSight QoS & Volume Placement – safely consolidate workloads in multitenant environments. Security and Permissions – making sure the right people get access to the right stuff at the right time no matter whether they’re working in development, staging, or production. Or working with cloud or on-premises env. Protection templates and storage efficiency so data can easily be backed up, restored, and secured. Application data portability We make manipulating data volumes fast, efficient, and easy and ensure there’s no impact to production. Our clones are a great way to copy and replicate data instantly and easily. They only store changed blocks of data We are the only storage vendor to allow you to easily convert legacy volumes to Docker volumes, so you can continue to work with production data when you containerize legacy applications. Today we are the only storage vendor to offer a true multicloud cloud service with AWS and Azure. And in the future, we’ll be extending data mobility and Docker integration to our Nimble Cloud Volumes too so you can move apps and data between cloud. Orchestration, security, control, and Docker Integration
HPE Container Demos DevOps: CI/CD with Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Visual Studio Team Services, Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Red Hat OpenShift & HPE Nimble Storage FlexVolume driver Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery for SQL Server Persistent Storage for SQL 2017 in Windows and Linux Containers Make SQL data as portable as containers themselves Instantly create space efficient clones of production data for development and production
Customer Success Story SaaS Big Data Analytics Fast-growing, market leader selling SaaS Operational Intelligence to 13,000 customers, 110 countries SITUATION: Seeking storage for OpenStack private cloud to replace AWS AWS is too expensive for growing DevOps, Dev/Test teams SOLUTION: Nimble delivered the best DevOps automation and most comprehensive APIs in the industry InfoSight RESULT: Saves time, fits dev team workflows Easy operations with InfoSight Cloud-like automation on-premises Here’s an example of a customer that is using our Docker integration. About this customer: This disruptive market leader is based in San Francisco. They are a marketing leading SaaS provider. Their disruptive new vision is to make machine data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone. They started off cloud native developing with AWS and containers, but now they have over 1,000 employees and 13,000 customers. Customer pain points: Already using containers Chose to repatriate their DevOps workflows because AWS had gotten too expensive for a company of their size. Docker containers make it easy to move apps back on prem, but not the data. This company needed a persistent storage solution to help them move DevOps and application data back on premise while enabling them to automate all of their workflows. Customer’s Environment: The company had DevOps in AWS cloud. IT owned 1 Nimble hybrid array. The rest of their storage was all on premises NetApp Application: proprietary, new development Challenges & Needs that triggered purchase AWS is too expensive for growing DevOps, Dev/Test team. They needed a solution that would help them scale cost-effectively Seeking on premises storage for OpenStack private cloud that will replace AWS Work with existing DevOps tooling & workflows: Docker & Ansible Why Nimble? Ease of use, fit with existing workflows: Nimble offers open REST APIs that match this customer’s existing workflows Competition’s offered proprietary APIs which would require re-coding, rewriting, re-tooling workflows just to work with competitors storage. Deep Integration with all the things they needed: OpenStack, Docker, REST APIs that integrate with Ansible & Jenkins All Flash Performance + InfoSight & Nimble Support Ease of use, fit with existing workflows: Nimble open REST APIs vs. competition’s proprietary APIs Nimble Solution All Flash Array + Nimble support Docker Volume Plugin Results TBD – Awaiting delivery Cost-savings vs. public cloud
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