Prepared by the LAUSD Secondary Mathematics Unit 06/29/07 Prepared by the LAUSD Secondary Mathematics Unit
Purpose To provide you with: Time to collaboratively plan lessons from an entire chapter. Strategies for using collaborative and cooperative learning in your classroom.
Focus You will be planning Chapter 2 from the “Bridge to Algebra” book.
Doing the Math First Answer all of the questions in Chapter 2 As you go through the chapter make notes on the “Preview of Chapter” Planning sheet
Main Idea (Goal) of Section Additional Key Vocabulary Planning Templates In your groups, plan a section of Chapter 2 using the Planning and Pacing Guides. Main Idea (Goal) of Section CA Standards Context CRRE Additional Key Vocabulary Warm Up Student Misconceptions Clarifying Questions Other Carnegie Resources Assignments (Homework)
Electronic Planning Guide Consolidate your group’s plan onto one electronic copy of the Planning Guide.
Algebra Readiness Website
Uploading Your Plan Post your group’s plan in the relevant section of the website
Los Angeles Unified School District – Instructional Support Services Box of String Use the string on the table in front of you to create a cube. Use the entire string.
Los Angeles Unified School District – Instructional Support Services Reading In your Teacher’s Implementation Guide, read the section on Collaborative Classrooms, page vii to xiv
Think – Pair - Share What concerns do you have about using collaborative / cooperative learning in your classroom?
Four Corners Activity Question 1: What strategies would you use to group students? Question 2: What strategies would you use to hold students accountable during group work? Question 3: What roles would you assign students during group work? Why? Question 4: What will the student(s) produce? Question 5: What else might you need to consider?
Revisiting Your Lesson In your groups, revisit the lesson you planned earlier. Modify your lesson plan to incorporate a collaborative / cooperative learning strategy.
Reflection Complete the reflection page in your participant’s handout.
Thank you for your investment in raising student achievement! Los Angeles Unified School District – Instructional Support Services Thank you for your investment in raising student achievement! Secondary Mathematics Los Angeles Unified School District 333 South Beaudry Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel: (213) 241-2465 Fax: (213) 241-8450 Cheri Guenther Director Victor: To close