YEAR 1 Curriculum Evening Reigate Parish Church Primary School Welcome to Year 1 Grasshoppers Class Teacher – Miss Connolly Teaching Assistants - Mrs Barkwith (Monday – Tuesday) - Mrs Hird (Wednesday – Friday) Caterpillars Class Teacher – Miss Nicoll SCITT Student Teacher – Miss Smith Teaching Assistants – Mrs Lu (Monday - Tuesday) - Mrs Smith (Wednesday – Friday)
Reception to Year 1 Similarities Differences Half an hour a day Phonics using Read Write Inc PE twice a week Home readers – Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Teachers may comment in the reading record books on a Wednesday) Library Books – run by a parent helper Whole class teaching inputs followed by differentiated activities Change home readers independently Come in to school and get ready for home independently Morning playtimes outside with Year 2 Get changed for PE independently Show and Tell Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Expectations for Year 1 Reading, Writing and Maths We have our own in-house form of assessment. This outlines what Year 1 children are expected to achieve by the end of the year. The list of targets are currently available on the website for you to refer to. Their attainment in their half termly assessments and progress will be reported to you during parents evenings. Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How we teach reading Phonics Guided reading Individual reading Interventions Reading as part of all learning Whole class reading Reading at home Inviting book area Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How you can help at home with reading Little and often Make it fun Visit the library Talk about the content Talk about what they think will come next Let them see you read Talk about the characters Look at the illustrations Questioning Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How we teach writing Introduce a range of genres Immerse, Imitate , Invent Shared writing SPAG Guided/independent writing Opportunities across the curriculum Handwriting Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How you can help at home with writing Encourage writing Letters to friends and family, shopping list, rules for games... Make it fun Common Exception Words Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How we teach maths Use Abacus scheme Practical Problem solving skills Need strong knowledge of number Can they apply it? Fun! Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How you can help at home with maths Abacus Homework (once a week) Make it fun Counting (ones, twos, fives and tens) Cooking What time is it? Puzzles Jigsaws Shopping- How much? Pocket money Shapes in the house Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Long term planning Medium term planning The planning is available on the school website each term for you to download and look at. Slides for tonight’s presentation will also be on the website. Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Homework in Year 1 Each half term a new sheet of challenges will be emailed out to you. It is up to you how you use the sheet – follow each challenge each week or pick and choose. Abacus is sent out every week (log ins in homework books). Practise reading and spelling Common Exception Words. Reading – little and often. Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Any Questions? Reigate Parish Church Primary School