Web forms – Tech Update Presented by: Abbi Narayan anarayan@udel.edu 302-831-2167
Purchase Order Requisition Tip: Please do NOT use Internet Explorer as Browser for web forms
Purchase Order Requisition Step 1: Step 2: Change building by choosing from the drop down NEW Choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop down
Purchase Order Requisition Step 3: Step 4: Attachment now displays the file name Web form now displays a Requisition ID NEW NEW
Purchase Order Requisition Step 5: Step 6: Use Lookup Vendor to add vendors NEW Type keywords from vendor name to narrow Search
Purchase Order Requisition Step 7: Credit card option for vendor Step 8: Funding Originator (Drafter) NEW
Purchase Order Requisition Step 9: Item details Step 10: Funding To add more Speed types (max: 6) NEW
Purchase Order Requisition Step 11: Trade information Step 12: Comments NEW
Purchase Order Requisition Step 13: Routing
Purchase Order Amendment Step 1: Originator & PO information Step 2: Previous PO information
Purchase Order Amendment Close PO Choose additional approvers is needed. Then click Finish & submit. Add Additional items (similar to PO Requisition) Choose funding originator Add item details Add funding details Choose Purpose Code Administrator Choose Additional Approvers if needed Then Click Finish & Submit
Purchase Order Amendment Change funding on Existing PO: Step 1: Choose funding originator. Step 2: Add item details(similar to PO Requisition) with the negative amount for the Speed type of the funding to be reversed. Step 3: Add item details(similar to PO Requisition) with the positive amount for the Speed type of the funding to be added. Step 4: Choose Purpose code Administrators, additional approvers if needed and click Finish & Submit. (similar to PO Requisition) with the negative amount for the Speed type of the funding to be reversed.
Purchase Order Amendment Change Funding on Existing PO Line item with negative amount Line item with positive Dollar Amount
Purchase Order Amendment Change funding on Existing PO: Review item details
Purchase Order Requisition & Amendment ??QUESTIONS??
Vendor Payment Request When to use Vendor Payment Request web from: Purchase is NOT Equipment Total dollar value is less than $5,000 Vendor does not accept credit card The Vendor is listed in the UD Vendor Database. For the vendor to be in the Vendor Database, they must complete the W9 and provide payment information.
Vendor Payment Request Step 1: Originator Step 2: Vendor Selection Step 3: Funding Originator Step 4: Item information (next slide) Step 5: Funding information Step 6: Purpose Code Administrator Step 7: Additional Approvers if needed Step 8: Comments if needed Step 9: Finish & Submit
Vendor Payment Request Item details Review item details – edit to make changes
Payment to Individual When to use Payment to Individual web from: Payment is for Athletic Officials Awards Homestay Rental Honoraria Human Subject Participant REU Refund Reimbursement (only for students who are not employees or individuals not affiliated with UD) Royalty When NOT to use Payment to Individual web form Invoices or Services provided by Individual that requires an Agreement in place
Payment to Individual Step 1: Payment is for drop down Step 2: Reimbursement – Payee is drop down
Payment to Individual – Step 3
Payment to Individual – Step 4 – Vendor lookup
Payment to Individual Step 5: Choose Funding Step 6: Purpose Code Administrator, Additional Approvers Step 7: Finish & Submit
Vendor Payment & Payment to Indiv ??QUESTIONS??
Payment Activity
Payment Activity – Search Criteria Slide # 27
Search by requisition number for status Slide # 28
Payment Activity – Purchase Order Display Click to view the web form. Web form can be viewed if you were listed in the routing chain Click to view payment terms, status and buyer for the PO Click to view detail voucher payment totals Click to view the comments, attachments sent to vendor with the PO Click to collapse funding details Slide # 29
Payment Activity – PO Amendments Display Click to view the web form. Web form can be viewed if you were listed in the routing chain Slide # 30
Payment Activity – Invoices, Vouchers, Payments Click to view the voucher funding details Slide # 31
Payment Activity – Contracts with Recurring Payments Upcoming payments – funds NOT encumbered until the voucher is created for payment Slide # 32
Payment Activity
Thank You Aanarayan Contact: Abbi Narayan anarayan@udel.edu 302-831-2167