Open Evening at Babraham Primary School
Why were you invited today to:- Meet your child’s teacher Meet other members of our community – Student Council, Governors and FoBs Explore the school to find out what we are doing to provide your child with the best possible education Find out what you think are our strengths Find out what you think we could do better
Who are out teachers
Who are our student council? What are their aims
Who are FoBs Everyone is considered a member of FoBs. You can get involved as much or as little as they wish What are their aims
Who are our Governors We have 11 Governors who help ensure that the school runs smoothly and effectively
After School Club Care Babraham Institute will be managing Fun Pack Afterschool Club and Fun Pack Holiday club after half term
We would like your help Work as a team to answer questions about the school that are on your table.
What does our school mean to you ?
What makes our school so special?
What are we good at ?
What could we be better at?
Please explore the school Meet your child’s new teacher Look at their work from last year See what they have been working on since September
Reporting to Parents This term we will be reporting on how your child has settled since they started school in September.
Life without Levels There will be no levels on this report but we will be feeding back on the effort the children have been putting in to their work since the start of term
New assessment system for Y1-Y6 ( Reception will continue to be assessed on the EYFS) Children will now be graded in the school age as:- Emerging -E Developing -D Secure -S Mastering -M
Example If your child is in Year 3 they would be:- 3E or 3D or 3S or 3M by the end of the year. The goal is for children to be 3S at the end of the school year
This Term All children will start the year being graded as EMERGING as a baseline. As they acquire the new curriculum knowledge throughout the year, they will move through the grades. Your teachers will be able to inform you of where your child’s strengths and gaps are when they meet you at Parents’ evening.
How are we assessing progress Children are regularly teacher assessed throughout the term They are formally assessed each term Progress is tracked against the new Programmes of Study (PoS) for Maths , English and Science The children are graded as E, D, S, M This is reported back to you each term
Baseline assessments and SATS All new Reception children are assessed on entry to the school as part of the new Govn baseline Y1 have a phonics screening in June All Y2 children are assessed in May with formal SATS All Y6 children are assessed in May with formal SATS