British Council ELT Conference 2017 Havana, Cuba Title: The Language Game: An Important Didactic Tool in the EFL Lessons Author: Ildefonso G. Díaz Sandoval Assistant Professor School of Medical Sciences Artemisa 2017
DEFINITION “A game is a voluntary activity performed within a pre-determined time frame and a specific space, following a set of consented rules (yet mandatory), with a clear objective and a feeling of tension and joy” Huizinga, 1993
AIMS: To discuss the importance of language games as didactic tools in the EFL lessons. To suggest some language games to be applied or adapted in the EFL lessons. To offer suggestions and recommendations from the linguistic, psycho-pedagogic, methodological and educational point of view when using the games.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ They can be used as effective didactic tools to teach and learn the foreign language.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ They contribute to the development of thought, moral values, volitional qualities, behaviour and to the shape of convictions.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ They are a great opportunity for the learners to practise the language. _ They allow the development of communication and the active participation of the learners.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ They allow to combine the practise of the language with humour, entertainment and enjoyment.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ They help the teacher to be closer to the learners in a pleasant way. This contributes to ease the teaching-learning process.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ They become a tool of formative values when positive models of behaviour are fomented. _ They are highly motivational. They produce amusement and awake the learner´s interest for the learning of the foreign language.
IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE GAMES _ Learners see language learning as fun and not a problem. _ They naturally add motivation and challenge to classes.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ Language games are considered erroneously as mere time-fillers, a brake from routine activities, something to be done in the last minutes of the lesson.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ They should be prepared and presented in correspondence with the aims of the syllabus and the lessons.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ When selecting a game the teacher has to be aware of what he wants to teach, practise or review.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ Language games can be used, selected or adapted effectively if the teacher takes into consideration the learner´s characteristics, age, interests, necessities, learning styles and impairment.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ Language games could be used to help students develop as learners and human beings, become better people and more successful learners.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ The teacher should keep in mind that the class can be divided in pairs, groups or teams. _ The aims and rules of the games must be explained carefully. Use the mother tongue if it is necessary.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ It is important to choose the games carefully. They depend on the areas the teacher wants to develop: listening, speaking, reading and writing; grammar, lexis, pronunciation or discourse.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ The time of each game should be programmed. _ The games should not always be competitive. The teacher should try cooperative games too.
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ When playing competitive games, psychologically it is better to add points to the winners than to deduct them. To deduct points brings negative effects in the learners and this should not be a normal procedure.
LANGUAGE GAMES Simon Says Objective: To practice imperatives, improve listening comprehension and work with vocabulary. Language level: Elementary. Equipment and material: No resources. Time: 20 minutes. The teacher shouts out instructions, which should only be obey if they include the words “Simon says”. Example instructions are: “Simon says Raise your right hand” “Simon says Hop on your left foot”. “Simon says Touch your toes”. The game needs to be played briskly, in order to try to catch players out (i.e. make them carry out the instructions when it is not prefaced by Simon says). Try to inject humor into the practice of the game. For example: Put your hands into your head! Put your hands behind your back! Touch your nose with your left hand!
LANGUAGE GAMES Twenty Questions Objective: To ask for information about a person´s identity. Language level: Elementary and intermediate. Equipment and material: Paper and pencil. Time: 20 minutes In this game the students are told that they must guess the identity of a living person. They must ask Yes/No type questions such as Is he Cuban?, Does he speak English?. The teacher can only answer Yes or No. The identity of the person must be guessed in fewer than twenty questions. Since the students know that a living person is involved the Yes/No questions are in the Present Simple. If they are told that the person was dead, the questions would be in the Simple Past. For example: Was he a guerrilla fighter? Was he from Argentina?
LANGUAGE GAMES Lucky Dip Objective: To improve speaking and reading comprehension. Language level: Elementary, intermediate and advanced. Equipment and material: Envelopes, slips of paper, instructions. Time: 20 minutes An envelope containing slips of paper with instructions will be given to the students. A player will select one slip of paper, read it and he must follow the instruction. Example of instructions: Kiss the most beautiful girl in class. Introduce yourself to someone who has blue eyes. Greet someone who wears glasses, etc.
CONCLUSIONS _ The language games compiled, used and adapted in the English lessons should be very attractive to the learners. _ The learners must have active, spontaneous and creative participations within the lessons.
CONCLUSIONS _ Language games should not be seen as time-fillers or as simple fun activities. They should be prepared and presented in a very responsible manner.
CONCLUSIONS _ Language games help the learners to develop personality traits such as courage, trust, cooperation, honesty, solidarity and love.