Critical Infrastructure Protection Policy Priorities


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Infrastructure Protection Policy Priorities Sara Pinheiro European Commission DG Home Affairs

Definition - Critical Infrastructure (CI) (following Directive 2008/114) Critical Infrastructure means an asset, system or part thereof, essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions, health, safety, security, economic or social well-being Its destruction or disruption would have a significant impact as a result of the failure to maintain those functions.

EPCIP 2006 – Framework Directive 2008/114/EC: identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructures Assessment of EU vulnerabilities, threats and risks Contingency Planning, Resilience Measures Information sharing, expert groups Support to National Programmes External dimension Research, testing and validation of CIP tools Accompanying financial measures

Financial Measures - CIPS Basic Act: Council Decision 2007/124/EC, Euratom establishing for the period 2007-2013, as part of the General Programme "Security and Safeguarding Liberties", the Specific Programme "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security Related Risks" (CIPS). Main objective: to financially support Member States efforts to prevent, prepare for, and protect citizens and critical infrastructures from terrorist attacks and other security incidents.

CIPS General Objectives Financial support to two main areas Prevention and Preparedness: measures aimed at preventing/ reducing risks linked to terrorism and other security related risks. Consequence Management: coordination of measures to react to/reduce the impact of a security related incident, in particular resulting from terrorist attacks, to ensure a smooth coordination of crisis management and security actions. Actions funded all-hazards approach, while countering threats from terrorism as a priority.

CIPS Priorities 2013 SUPPORT implementation of a reshaped European initiative on CIP identification and analysis of criticalities risk analysis & enhanced security and resilience cooperation between the public and the private sector international cooperation & info exchange

CIPS Priorities 2013 cont. interdependency analysis integrate CIP into crisis management security awareness of CI operators CIP capability in all relevant sectors preparedness and response capabilities risk assessment tools and methodological models

Future approach to EPCIP implementation "Development of concepts and implementation of a reshaped European initiative on CIP" - Communication foreseen in the Q1 2013 - Objective: improve the overall protection and resilience of EU CIs - Cross sectoral application - Step by step practical approach, based on three main pillars: Prevention Preparedness Response

Possible activities under the 3 pillars I. Prevention Cont. identification of European criticalities and interdependencies Common risk assessment and risk management methodology II. Preparedness E.g. contingency planning, stress tests, awareness raising, training, incident reporting, etc. III. Response Info sharing on major CI failures that affect other MS Civil Protection Mechanism could include cover specific CIP expertise in modules

Application to selected pan-European infrastructures

Thank you for your attention!