Cell Processes and Energy Photosynthesis
All about Photosynthesis http://www.wonderville.ca/asset/photosynthesis
Where does almost all of the energy used by living things on Earth come from? The Sun! Or sunlight
Chemosynthetic Organisms Some Archaebacteria Chemosynthetic Organisms Get energy from chemicals such as sulfur
Using light to make food! Photosynthesis Photo= light Synthesis= putting it together The process in which green plants capture the sun’s energy and use it to make sugars (food, glucose) Using light to make food!
Two Stage Process Stage One Stage Two Captures Sun’s Energy Stage Two Cells use captured energy to produce sugars
Two Stage Process Stage One Occurs in the Leaves and other Green parts of the plant These parts contain Chloroplasts which contain the pigment Chlorophyll (acts like solar cell in calculator)
Stomata Are small openings on the undersides of the leaves through which carbon dioxide enters and oxygen and water vapor leaves the plant Stomata Guard Cells Guard Cells Stomata Bottom View Cross Section
The Photosynthesis Equation Water + Carbon Dioxide Glucose + Oxygen + Water (RAW MATERIALS) (PRODUCTS) (GIVEN OFF) 6H2O + 6CO2 ----------> C6H12O6+ 6O2 (H 2O) The Arrow means yields . Above and below the arrow you write light energy and chlorophyll
Photosynthesis Video (13:30)
Review Where do the raw materials for photosynthesis enter the plant?
What color of light do plants grow best in? (workbook page 46)
Which color of light do plants grow best in?
ROYGBIV When light strikes a prism, its component colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet- become visible. Each plays a part in plant growth, but blue light is most important to photosynthesis, followed next in importance by red light. Plants stay short, stocky, and leafy when they receive plenty of blue. They stretch, flower, and fruit early under red light.
Cellular Respiration Storing and releasing energy Plant cells save energy in the form of carbohydrates (sugar and starches) Cells withdraw energy by breaking down carbohydrates in the process of cellular respiration
Cells break down sugars and release energy C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP (Raw Materials) (Products) + (energy) In the presence of enzymes and mitochondria Enzymes and Mitochondria
Extreme Energy Release (4 min)
Cellular Respiration
Two Stages of Respiration Stage One Takes Place in the Cytoplasm Sugar Molecules are Broken Down with the help of the lysosomes Oxygen is NOT Involved in this Stage O2
Stage Two Takes Place in the Mitochondria Sugar Molecules Broken Down Further and Large Amounts of Energy Released Oxygen IS Needed in This Stage
Comparing Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Opposite Processes- What Does that mean? Products of one process are the raw materials of the other! Together they form a Cycle
Photosynthesis/Respiration Cycle A Symbiotic Relationship
Respiration Video
Animals produce carbon dioxide Plants use carbon dioxide PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESPIRATION Animals use oxygen Animals produce carbon dioxide Plants use carbon dioxide Plants produce oxygen
Fermentation Similar to Respiration- However- Oxygen Is Not Needed!! Much Less Energy Produced!! Yeast (a type of fungi) uses this process
Two Types of Fermentation ALCOHOLIC Yeast cells produce Alcohol when sugar broken down CO2 and a small amount of energy are also produced CO2 causes dough to rise and bubbles in beer, sparkling wine and soda. LACTIC ACID Occurs in the muscles of your body Occurs when you are using up O2 faster than you can breath it in Lactic acid is the product which makes your muscles cramp
How Cells Work (16 min)
Respiration in Yeast Lab Time (minutes) Amount of CO2 (ppm) 3206 5 18778 10 48512 15 64380 20 72158