PG 03 Page 05 3-Hole Bottle Lab Bellwork:


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Presentation transcript:

PG 03 Page 05 3-Hole Bottle Lab Bellwork: Person 1 – Grab Aprons Person 2 – Grab Goggles Finish setting up “Cornell Notes” on Page 03 of your Lab Composition Books. Exactly as you see in the diagram to the right. Add color. Rulers are by Pikachu. **Fix EQ – I changed it. When I return to the room, I will collect Lab Fees Clorox Wipes or Ziploc Baggies Notecards Parent Letter 3-Hole Bottle Lab Page 05 Essential Question: Question Column Hole 1 Hole 1 and 2 All 3 Holes L1 – L2 – L3 – Prediction: Hypothesis: Observation: Diagram: Summary - PG 03 What are the variables and constants in this experiment?

3-Hole Bottle Lab Page 03 Essential Question: Question Column Hole 1 Hole 1 and 2 All 3 Holes L1 – L2 – L3 – Prediction: Hypothesis: Observation: Diagram: Summary - What are the variables and constants in this experiment?

Collect Today What is biology photo? (8/25) Lab Fees $3 (8/29) Assigned *3-Hole Bottle Lab (Monday 8/28) Class Supplies – Notecards, Clorox Wipes or Ziploc Baggies (Tuesday 8/29) Late Scientific Method Practice (-30%) Carolina Lab Safety WS (-50%)

**YOU MUST INCLUDE THE "@" SIGN IN THE TEXT**  REMIND 101 If you would like to receive text reminders about homework, test dates, extra credit opportunities, study tips, and weather please text this exact phrase to the phone number provided, according to your class period.  I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this classroom tool I have available for you. 81010   Period 1  - @garza1hhs Period 2  - @garza2hhs Period 3  - @garza3hhs Period 4  - @garza4hhs Period 5  - @garza5hhs **YOU MUST INCLUDE THE "@" SIGN IN THE TEXT**

Quiz/Test CHAMPs C – No talking…’s a test/quiz.  H – Raise your hand and wait for help to come. Do not yell out for a teacher. A – Work only on your quiz/test. M – Face forward and keep eyes on desk. Only get out of chair to turn in your quiz/test. P – Work only on your quiz/test. Ask questions if you’re confused. No heads on desk. Look only at your paper. Answer ALL questions.

Lab Safety Quiz – 10 Minutes

How are the steps of the scientific method used to solve a problem? Essential Question How are the steps of the scientific method used to solve a problem? Standard B.2B - know that hypotheses are tentative and testable statements that must be capable of being supported or not supported by observational evidence.

Remember Lab Safety Rules! 1. Dress for Lab: aprons, close toed shoes, pull hair back 2. Personal Protective Equipment: Safety Goggles 3. Chemical Safety: Don’t touch anything, assume all materials are dangerous 4. Dispose of messes properly 5. Proper Lab behavior: no horseplay, no eating or drinking in the Lab.

Lets get started! Make observations of the Lab set up. In the “Hole 1” column Draw a picture of what you see in the Lab set up What do you see?

Question Our Lab set up includes a tub and a 2 liter bottle that has three holes covered by black electrical tape. What do you think will happen if we pull the tape back to uncover just the first hole? In the “Hole 1” column write your prediction. Your prediction does have to be the same as others in your Lab group.

Hypothesis: Re-write your prediction in the form of a hypothesis. If_______, then______, because________

Let’s test your hypothesis When I give the signal you may SLOWLY and CAREFULLY pull the tape back to uncover only the first hole. I will give another signal for you to cover the hole back up. *Try not to squeeze the bottle during this process!

Record your observations In the “Hole 1” column write down what happened in the “observations” section. Try to be as detailed as possible. Write down EXACTLY what you observed.

In the HOLES 1 and 2 column Draw a picture of what you just saw in the “DIAGRAM” section. We will repeat this process for the remaining sections of our Lab Notes. Be sure to listen for my signals.

Write a summary of your observations. You do not necessarily need to have the correct scientific answer for why this happened but I do expect you to tie this in to the scientific method. Fill in Cornell Notes “Summary” - Must answer the Essential Question! a. What was the Independent Variable? (What did we change? If_________) b. What was the Dependent Variable? (What did we measure/observe? Then_______) c. What were the Constants? (What were the things we kept the same for everyone?) 3. Fill in Cornell Notes “Questions” L1: Define… L2: Sort… L3: Evaluate…

Person 1 = Needs to refill the water bottle. Clean Up Person 1 = Needs to refill the water bottle. Person 2 = Needs to make sure the table is dry. Person 3 = Make sure the aprons/goggles put away. Person 4 = Make sure the water in the tray is dumped into the sink.

BONUS QUESTION: What would happen if we repeated this process but the bottle was held horizontally with the holes pointing down instead of sitting vertically?