Warm Up # 12 How did Hitler come to Power?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up # 12 How did Hitler come to Power? What, if anything, could have been done to stop him?

Workbook Pg 7 Class Docs Pg. 42 Appeasement Workbook Pg 7 Class Docs Pg. 42

Document A 1) (Sourcing) When and where did this speech take place? What was Chamberlain’s goal for the Munich Agreement? 2) (Context) Why might people in England in 1938 have supported appeasement?   3) (Close reading) What did Chamberlain claim England should do while pursuing the policy of appeasement?

Document B Step 1: Read Questions Step 2: Read with group Switch each paragraph Look up words you don’t know Step 3: Answer questions as you go

Warm Up # 13 Please summarize the thoughts and Ideas of Neville Chamberlin (Document A) and Winston Churchill (Document B) on appeasement.

Document C Step 1: Read Questions Step 2: Read with group Switch each paragraph Look up words you don’t know Step 3: Answer questions as you go Fuehrer – Title of Hitler

Documents D and E Step 1: Read Questions Step 2: Read with group Switch each paragraph Look up words you don’t know Step 3: Answer questions as you go

Warm-up #14: Interpret this political Cartoon. His Shirt says Appeaser.

Google Classroom Step 1: Go to https://classroom.google.com/h Step 2: Enter the class code for your period Period 3: nyjkg71 Period 6: 17wfmh9 Period 7: w2dv5k

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Practice Although, -Counterpoint (be specific) -Main Idea (Answer the question) -Example 1 -Example 2 -Example 3 What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

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