Gorgon Allusion in Shakespeare Tyler Kennedy Period 4
Background Information The gorgon was such a hideous creature that it turned men to stone when they saw it. Often associated with snakes, either as their hair or as their lower body.
Associated Myths/Stories/Movies Medusa Hercules the movie Percy Jackson series Perseus
Associated Symbols Snakes Medusa Stone Protection Ferocity
Strengths and Weaknesses In traditional Greek mythology, there were only three gorgon sisters, all but the youngest, Medusa, being immortal. They had hard skin and talons for hands, with the only vulnerable point on Medusa being her neck.
Direct Quote MACDUFF Approach the chamber, and destroy your sight With a new Gorgon: do not bid me speak; See, and then speak yourselves.
Personal Interpretation I believe they are comparing how awful the sight of the crime is to the gorgon’s hideousness. They may also be saying that the sight of it is so horrific that you be frozen in shock as though you were a stone.
Work Cited http://www.shakespeare-literature.com/Macbeth/10.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/dispatches/050224-03.html http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/gorgons/Interesting