Disability Resource Notebook Heather Smith EDUC 215*05 Schools and Diversity December 6, 2011
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Pamphlets and Brochures ADHD A pamphlet for parents. (http://www.pluk.org/Pubs/ADD_Kelker_2003_1.3M.pdf) Helping the child with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. (https://www.harvardpilgrim.org/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/PROVIDERS/PATIENT/HANDOUTS/UNITED_ADHD_BROCHURE.PDF) Pamphlets and Brochures
ADHD National Institute of Mental Health, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I thought this website gave extremely valuable information in terms that normal, everyday people could understand. I got great information under the “Quick Links” tab where I found out other conditions that coexist with ADHD and how ADHD is initially diagnosed. ADD/ADHD and School; Helping Children with ADHD Succeed in School. Tips and instances for occurrences that happen with students with ADD/ADHD and how to bring them back to the learning aspect. This website provided tools for helping students with math, reading and homework. Gave great insight about tips and teaching strategies and the ways that parents could help as well, also provided related links.
Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome
Autism/Asperger's Syndrome Autism, A Caldwell College Overview on Autism. (http://www.caldwell.edu/abaconference/Autism_Brochure.pdf) Asperger's Syndrome Fact Sheet. (http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/asperger/detail_asperger.htm#179663080) Pamphlets and Brochures
Autism/Asperger's Syndrome Instructional Management Tips for Teachers of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). - Expressed the importance of lesson preparation, visual learning aides, mnemonic devices usage, and time management. I thought the graphs and tables at the bottom of the article was insightful and provided great advice and instructional tools. Autism Teaching Tools. - Wide variety of learning and teaching tools for those with Autism, provided a large number of categories for help in ; fluency and precision teaching, curriculum management, children’s book list and play and autism. Thought it was a good site for teachers and educators to look into when having a child with Autism or Asperger’s in their classroom.
Autism/Asperger's Syndrome RESEARCH BASED STRATEGIES
Visual Impairments
Pamphlets and Brochures Visual Impairments Tips for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments. (http://www.wapave.org/RES/packets/VisualImpairmentBrochure.pdf) Blindness or Vision Impairment Awareness. (https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/detresources/visionbro_DQNmQFlTZL.pdf) Braille and Visually Impaired Students, What does the law require ? (http://www.nfb.org/nfb/Braille_and_VI_Students.asp) Pamphlets and Brochures
Visual Impairments Strategies for teaching students with visual impairment. Information and links about student handouts, general strategies, and courtesy that should be given to visually impaired students. Supporting General Education Classroom Teachers of Braille-Learning Students. Provides information about how a general education teacher can provide and help those students with visual impairments that require them to use the Braille system. Great pointers under the sections: Elementary Classroom Teachers, Information on Eye Conditions, and the Environment section.
Behavioral/Emotional Disorders
Behavioral /Emotional Disorders Mood Disorders, Informational Pamphlet. Myths and Facts about Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Is it Just a Mood…Or Something Else? Anxiety Disorders. Pamphlets and Brochures
Behavioral/Emotional Disorders Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbances. Behavioral patterns and different implications, also provided a lot of different websites and sources at the bottom of the site for additional information. Strategies for Teaching Students with Behavioral Disorders. Field experiences, testing and reading techniques, teacher strategies and general roles in the classroom and ways to praise and help a child with an emotional disorder both academically and emotionally (to an extent.) Accommodating Students with Mood Liabilities : Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Great cause and effect situations and cases when a student has an episode and how to handle different actions and moods.
Behavioral/Emotional Disorders RESEARCH BASED STRATEGIES
Communicative Disorders
Communicative Disorders What is Aphasia? Gresham Speech Therapy. Auditory Processing Disorder in Children, What Does it Mean? What is Developmental Apraxia of Speech. Pamphlets and Brochures
Communicative Disorders Strategies for Teaching Students with Communicative Disorders. Introduces the allowance of a child to possibly tape the lecture, peer or buddy system if and when appropriate, and testing and field study experiences and techniques. Great website that has a broad spectrum of disorders and great ideas. Teaching Strategies for Students with Speech Impediments. Teaches and stresses the importance of patience and the different things a teacher can do to help a child with a speech disorder. Identifies the importance of peer assistance, creating tests and lessons that will better suit the speech impaired child and the possible need for a sign language interpreter in the classroom.
Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities National Down Syndrome Congress. Fragile X Syndrome.
Developmental Disabilities Lesson Planning Guide for Students with Fragile X Syndrome: A Practical Approach for the Classroom. This informational document was long but really gave great insight and useful approaches to teaching a child with FXS. It listed approaches in teaching and different techniques and possible outcomes, it also listed the standards as well. Toward the end it even had handouts and lesson plans that could be helpful to use. Teaching Autism Students in Inclusive Classrooms. Listed ways to keep the autistic child involved in the general education classroom with clear rules, expectations and directions. Also explained behaviors that should be looked for and how to deal with different situations that may arise. Also explained about the layout of the classroom and layout of assignments
Developmental Disabilities RESEARCH BASED STRATEGIES
Learning Disabilities