By: Kelly Smith, Executive Director Engrade By: Kelly Smith, Executive Director
What is Engrade? Engrade began as a free online grading system that can be accessed from individually created accounts linked to a common school or campus. Today, it has grown since it’s origin in 2003 used for grading to an all encompassing system for education professionals.
Is it safe? Engrade is FERPA compliant Spam free internal messaging system Individual users create their own logins Backs up daily on a encrypted remote server
What can it do? Grading Email Database Homework Calendars Flashcards Online quizzing Discussion Board Class Wiki’s Attendance tracking (where desired) Assignment “turn ins”
Campus Welcome Page Welcome Message is customizable.
Classes Listed by Instructor
Team Teaching Compatible!
Individual Student Reports
Exportable Reports
Educational Aids
Quizzes An instructor first creates a quiz using Engrade- currently there is only the choice for Multiple choice questions but this will be expanding to allow more question types in the future. The instructor then assigns a quiz to the class. Students then login to Engrade and can then follow the instructions to take the quiz. Engrade automatically grades the quiz and once the teacher closes the quiz it is automatically graded and the instructor can then choose to save the grades to their gradebook.
Class Wikis and Files Wikis are web-based educational documents such as formatted text, images, links, YouTube videos and flashcards. Files allow teachers to upload power points, PDF, doxc and images so students can access them from anywhere for homework or study.
Allthink Lessons All Think is an online lesson portal. Using Engrade and Allthink, teachers are able to build an online lesson using YouTube vidoes, images and text. The instructor then adds a short quiz so students can assess themselves!