WHAT DO WE MEAN BY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development is a process of economic activities which leads the environmental quality level intact with the policy directives corresponding to this notion being the maximization of net benefits of economic development for the present future generation subject to maintaining the services and quality of natural resources over time . The policy directives can be on equity justice , technology and institutional changes .
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT One of the best known definition of sustainable development was generated by the “Brundtland Commission” , the World Commission of Environment and Development , headed by the former Prime Minister of Norway . As quoted by Toman (1994) “sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs . It contains within two key concepts: The concept of needs , in particular the essential needs of the poor to which overriding priority should be given. The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.”
Materials Balance Model : The Implications for Sustainable Development The materials balance model exemplifies the dynamic relationship between economic activity and nature . Resources flows from nature to an economic system , and by- products or residuals from economic activity represent the return flow back to the environment . This policy can improve environmental quality in the short run , but it does not adequately address the long run consequences-the potential for intertemporal trade-off between one generation and the next . In the long run , society must find ways to reconcil economic growth and environmental equality .
IMPORTANT STEPS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Integrated landuse plannindg Maintenance of sustainability in agriculture through restoration of healthy cropland and grassland Population stabilization Control of pollution of atmosphere(air) and hydrosphere(water) Imposition of ecologically compatible human settlements and slam improvement Introduction of environmental education for more awareness of basic environmental issue at both formal and non-formal level Updating environmental laws and its strict imposition Assessment of ecological security
RELATION BETWEEN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF BIODIVERSITY Sustainable development suggests three-fold strategy for the improvement of biodiversity these are discussed below : BUILD ON POSITIVE LINKS : policies of growth promote , ie, efficient use of resource , technology transfer and better working markets , etc can help in finalizing solutions to environmental challenges . Rising income can pay for the investment in environmental improvement . Policies that are effective in reducing poverty will help to reduce population growth and will provide resources and knowledge to make the poor independent in the long run . BREAK THE NEGATIVE LINKS : rising income and technology , all advancement make sustainable development possible but they do not guarantee it . So using of additional incentives that capture the true values of environment will be required for sustainable development . In this regard effective environmental policies and institutions are essential to fulfill the goal . CLARIFY AND MANAGE THE UNCERTAIN LINKS : many relationships between human activity and natural environment remain poorly understood and the problems remains unsolved . So initiatives should be taken for investment in information and research and also to adopt some precautionary measures . All these will reduce the uncertainties in both positive and negative links
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE ARRANGEMENTS Sustainable development is intended to be a global objective , the benefits of which should accrue to all segments of society and to all nations . Because of its intent and its pervasive implications , it calls for a collaborative effort from all stakeholders . Here we explore representative examples of international treaties and other types of cooperatives agreements: United Nations Conference on Environment ant and Development(UNCED),more commonly called the Rio Summit , the U.N conference was 12 day worldwide forum held in Rio de janeiro , Brazil in 1992. Montreal Protocol and Amendments originally signed by 24 countries in September 1987 U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change signed by 150 countries including United States in 1994 U.S Canada Air Quality Agreement in March 1991 North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) in 1992 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATTA) in December 1993 World Summit on sustainable development (August26-September4 , 2002)
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA India is blooming and sustainable development becomes increasing more important . According to United Nations report India’s population currently encompasses about 1.2 billion people and is expected to grow by another 300 million within the next couple of decades . With cities generating two-third of the countries, economic output, an increasing numbers of Indians are leaving rural areas to seek employment in cities, relying on an efficient urban infrastructure. By 2030 it is predicted that 68 Indian cities will each have more than one million inhabitants and 6 megacities more than 10 million each . The rapid growth of cities causes a large number of challenges including insufficient power supply, unreliable public transport systems limited access to adequate medical transport .