FIZZ Database General presentation
FIZZ Database in brief FIZZ Database is the integrated database module that is part of the FIZZ software suite: Manages sample, product, test/questionnaire, and judge characteristics that the users want to store Allows registering all the data from your tests questionnaires: Of course the answers themselves Conditions in which they were obtained: exact question, the presentation order, the judge having given the answer, the sample it belongs to, etc. Integrated query tool to interrogate this database, to extract exactly the data you want to look at.
Fizz Database - In brief Forms, Queries, reports… can be customized! Fizz Database SAMPLES & PRODUCTS: detailed information, validation of samples (QC)… CONSUMERS: detailed characteristics: demographics, consumption habits, availability… TRAINED PANELISTS: skills, training done, performance follow up… QUESTIONNAIRES: type, requester, customer, person in charge, link to the objectives, procedure and report… List of questions and characteristics QUERIES: extract data, generate automatic Excel predefined reports, generate Fizz result files for more statistics RESULTS: registered from every single question asked to the judges (descriptive profiling, discriminative, CATA, free comments, TI/TDS, Napping…) TEST MEETINGS: list of questionnaires and tests, scheduling, invitations, participants… Powerful invitation module. DATA SECURITY: manage user rights (roles and permissions) to information (tables and even fields) and tools IMPORTATION: easy importation of judge characteristics, sample lists, populate judge characteristics from FIZZ questionnaires,..
Input forms Related information is shown directly: Results of the questionnaires
Input forms Related information is shown directly: Detailed attributes, scale, graduation, codes presented to the judges… Complete traceability of the sensory work
Input forms: custom, quick, secured Tables with or without input mask Free sorting of the tables Filter tables: by current value, by query For example: show only questionnaires for a specific project All fields are searchable Table content can be copied elsewhere Print judge information in user defined formats Show dependent data directly For example: product with its samples, session with judges, judge with participations, sample with sessions in which it was tested… Directly display of results for a session, a judge, a sample…
Customize for your specific activity Example: Quality control team Specific questionnaire definition form: Quickly see which samples are accepted, refused, pending…
Customize for your specific activity Example: Quality control team Specific secured sample definition form: For each table, each field: limit the rights of the users. For example here: everybody can see if the sample is accepted but only the QC supervisors and manager have the right to validate it.
Customize! Everything customizable: Define and modify input forms (with proper rights, administrative user for example) Different forms per data type for different uses: Quality Control forms, Consumer selection and invitation, Trained panel performance … Default input forms for all users and per user: each can have his own set of forms with specific rights. For example: Development team may not have access to Quality control team’s input forms and reverse. Export/import forms
Input forms: easy data input Reference lists or guided input (Excel-style existing values) Copy from previous record, duplicate record Secured table input for lists of values (copy and paste, from file) Specific judge importation module to deal with multi valued data (for example consumed products)
Links & direct actions Direct access from the database tables: View linked files: multimedia (images for samples for example), linked reports, linked methodology Open questionnaires in FIZZ Run individual questionnaires directly in FIZZ Run several questionnaires directly from the list in planned test meetings. Deploy (portable or web) directly in FIZZ Open the corresponding result file
Launch actions Simulate / run / deploy (FIZZ Web and Portable) Individual session / questionnaire: Group of sessions (from planned test meetings): several questionnaires at the same time
Fields & Tables Many fields in the tables: Questionnaires: project, client, requester, area, status, judge credit... Samples: production date and location, storage conditions, best before, lot, purchase location, alias,.. Products: family, brand, even information like nutritional information Miscellaneous fields in most of the tables to define your own specific information to be registered Many types of information recorded: Judge Invitations, Test meetings, Products and sample definitions (free multivalued descriptions: ingredient lists, carbohydrate, protein & fat content…) Function (questions), Scales used, Attributes definition, Judge performance User rights to tables, input masks,…: For example: the development team may be able to complete and see the ingredients list when the Sensory team may not be able to access it.
Fields & Tables Example: Judges / consumers Each family member can be grouped in Household Each Worker can be grouped in Companies
Results Registration Standard Registration of results: Possible to register several questionnaires at once: FIZZ Database proposes automatically all questionnaires with new results that haven’t been registered yet Possible to ‘un-register’ results of a questionnaire, if needed A lot of information is registered automatically: functions (questions) with their names, scale definitions, attribute definitions,… Results of recruitment questionnaires (for new panelists or to complete existing information): Automatic registration of consumers with all characteristics Update information about consumers
Panel Performance Registration Calculate performance indexes in FIZZ Calculations Register from there Follow the performance indexes of the judges and of the panel through time and by type of products
Queries Easy definition: Wide use, customization, and power: Dictionary: relations between tables are predefined Reference lists are automatic Assisted user input Title and description of queries Predefined queries supplied Wide use, customization, and power: Queries also used to filter table display, allowing default filter by form (to show only certain types of elements) Criteria with user-prompted values Define buttons or menu items linked to queries to execute a predefined query automatically (asking for example only the dates, or the samples to the user) and export the data directly in an Excel file with a model. Automatically recreate a FIZZ result file to get more statistics Allow to define functions (e.g. get age from birth date) Allow to query on subquery results
Query & Subqueries Example: Use of a subquery Find the following of consumers: less than 10 participations within the last 6 months Less than 5 tests on dairy products. First we create (or already have) a subquery to get the number of participations in the 6 past months (subquery1) Then we need to calculate the number of times they tested Dairy products (subquery2) => then we filter on those results.
Query results export in Excel model Define a button to automatically execute a query and export its results to an existing Excel file with result presentation: generate automatic reports in Excel. Example with Judge performance tracking
Use the information in Fizz Calculations FIZZ Calculations will allow to use information from the database: Filter the judges depending on criteria stored in the database (Gender, Household, Marital Status, No. of children etc…) to compare the effect on the results Include information about the questionnaire, the tested samples, etc… in your report Describe your panel automatically: for example gender, marital status
Test Meeting Test Meetings allow planning your sessions and invite consumers or panelists to participate. The test meeting can have several time slots with each judges selected according specific criteria. It can contain 0 or several Fizz questionnaires (0 for a focus group for example and several for external panel sessions or quality control tests when there are have several product types to assess).
Test Meetings – Invite judges Select the judges with a query or use the panel of the session. You can also use a predefined set of sub-queries that you just need to parameter.
Test meeting – Invite judges Invite judges: individually (tel.) or global (e-mailing) Check distribution of judges during invitations Register participations and credits Automatic display of the availability of the judge during the Test Meeting, last participation, and next invitation (if he is already invited on another test meeting).
Rights definition The rights definition is very detailed, down to the field level.
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