Technical Meeting on Regulatory Oversight of Human and Organizational Factors Vienna, Austria | 14-18 December 2015 Breakout sessions
TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF Two breakout sessions To facilitate discussions and interaction among the participants in a smaller group: HOF concept and what areas need for oversight on HOF Content of a HOF regulatory oversight programme Every group will be requested to share their results and conclusions in plenum TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF December 2015
TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF Group Composition Group 1 (M7) Vanik Nersesyan (Armenia) Ivan Raukach (Belarus) Marco Alvarenga (Brazil) Hristo Botsoev (Bulgaria) Alice Salway (Canada) Radim Dolezal (Czech R.) Lusiana Waqualezu (Fiji) Madalina Tronea (Romania) TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF December 2015
1. What could be the definition of HOF? Definition proposed based on group discussion: human and organizational factors are factors that positively or adversely influence human performance as it relates to nuclear safety (and security) TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF December 2015
2. What are the key aspects of HOF? Why is it important or not? All are important because they can impact nuclear safety - inherent human characteristics, capabilities and limitations, cognitive capabilities (e.g. memory, drive to completion), perception, anthropometry - other human characteristics (knowledge, skills, reasoning, fitness for duty) - environmental factors; - heat , cold, radiation, noise, PPE, vibration, lighting, air quality - technological factors; usability of equipment; process in which the equipment is used; complexity; procedures ; workplace ergonomics user expectations and habits user fooling and transparency TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF December 2015
2. What are the key aspects of HOF? Why is it important or not? All are important because they can impact nuclear safety - organizational factors; management system; processes; procedures; shift working use operational experience feedback; training and qualification SCWE – safety conscious work environment; blame-free, reporting culture safety culture; human performance tools (e.g. three-way communication, STAR, peer checks, self-checks, phonetic alphabet, stop when unsure; procedure compliance, questioning attitude, etc.) observation and coaching; quality of supervision - external factors: - social, economical, political aspects; - regulatory framework and regime; - national culture; TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF December 2015
TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF 3. What does a systemic and integrated view means? ITO – Individuals, Technology, Organization Complex system with lots of elements which are all somehow connected; Different system boundaries have to be considered (e.g. work groups, departments, organizations, external influences); Communication and interaction E.g. changes to systems based on some requirements disregarding others (e.g. improvements to security that may impact on safety; improvements for severe accident management which may affect normal operation) TM on Regulatory Oversight of HOF December 2015