TB2 Lesson 8 Online Banking GCSE ICT TB2 Lesson 8 Online Banking
Why would You choose to bank online rather than via the high street? How do the banks benefit from online banking? Starter Ask the class why customers choose to bank online rather than visit a high street branch. Use Q&A to elicit factors such as 24x7x365 convenience, greater control over finances, more privacy, saves time/money. What about the banks? Ask the class how banks benefit from offering their customers an internet banking service. Use Q&A to identify savings they make, i.e. premises, overheads, staffing.
Be the end of the lesson 5 Exam says…. In this lesson students are learning about: features of online banking sites services offered by banks online security risks and measures to overcome them At the end of this lesson students will be able to: describe features of online banking sites describe services offered by banks online describe security features of online banking systems Exam says…. 2.8: Security risks to data and how to contain them 3.2: The use of usernames, passwords and other security measures when accessing online systems 4.3: How and why organisations operate online; impact of the internet on the way organisations do business 6.1: Security issues that arise when information is transmitted and stored digitally #...
Get to grips with online banking 10 Go to http://bit.ly/mmtm-obs and make a list of the services available to customers online. Your list should include: current balance and up-to-date statements, make payments, manage standing orders, transfer money between accounts, order foreign currency/cheque books Getting to grips with online banking Walk the class through the online banking simulation at money matters to me and work with them to make a list of the services available to customers online (current balance and up-to-date statements, make payments, manage standing orders, transfer money between accounts, order foreign currency/cheque books).
How secure are customers’ online accounts? 10 WHAT IS A KEYLOGGER? How secure are customers’ online accounts? Explain that keyloggers (computer viruses that sit on your computer and track every keystroke with the aim of collecting your passwords) pose a serious security threat to online bank accounts. Display Online Banking – Security Measures.doc on the board and use it to discuss with the class security measures taken by banks. Likely answers are provided in Teacher Notes.doc.
Phishing https://www.ted.com/talks/ze_frank_s_nerdcore_comedy (2.00mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTApmz_ybus What should make a customer suspicious? Phishing Explain to the class that because bank security is so good, fraudsters rely on getting information directly from customers. Show them some examples of phishing emails. http://www.banksafeonline.org.uk/phishing_examples.html. What should make a customer suspicious?
Consumer Protection Introduce the homework task, Why Would People Want Your Identity.doc. Make sure students understand what they have to do.
Plenary 5 Plenary At the end of this lesson students will be able to: describe features of online banking sites describe services offered by banks online describe security features of online banking systems Plenary Can you summarise the security risks associated with online banking. What banks are doing to protect against them? Plenary Remind students of the lesson objectives. Ask them to summarise the security risks associated with online banking and what banks are doing to protect against them.
Homework 5 Complete the worksheets.