Agenda Why “re-imagine” your classroom? – Framing The Challenges Digital STEAM Overview Presentation Live Tour of the Digital STEAM Workshop Web Portal Questions and Answers Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Global Challenges Facing Secondary Education The dominant education model is largely based on 20th century educational practices that do not include digital literacy. Students are not engaged, long for relevance; high drop out rates globally. A learning gap exists between the teachers and the students with technical knowledge. Teachers often lack context of how technology is used in real life. Students lack essential 21st century skills needed to enter the workforce.
21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills It is not just about the core academic subjects of math and science, but the intersection of these and other subjects and how students use critical thinking skills. To be competitive in the 21st century, students will need to make connections and integrate ideas across the various disciplines—what Daniel Pink calls “symphony”—the ability to visualize, recognize patterns, and make connections.
Teaches Autodesk software through the design process Highly visual web based curriculum portal offering a new approach to teaching design, sustainability, and creative problem solving. Teaches Autodesk software through the design process Engages students in STEAM through projects developed by industry experts and teachers Includes comprehensive teacher resources including lesson plans, project briefs, design criteria worksheets, assessment tools, and rubrics Projects include a 3D real-time project viewer, datasets and step by step technical videos Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Home Page New Dynamic Portal STEAM 3 Level Structure New content monthly Cross curricular Gallery Resources Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Start Here Overview of new curriculum structure 9 Start Here videos explaining how the learning content can be used in your class. Design Thinking Guide Home>Start Here Guide for: Teachers Counselors Administrators Technology Directors
Level 1 Foundation What is 3D? Industry & Careers Videos Interactive Learning Games Creative Resources Sustainability Skills Documents Digital Study Packets Quizzes
Level 1 You don’t Have to be an expert to teach software! - Step by Step Video and PDF Guide - Follow the Design Thinking Guide
Skills & Digital Study Packet Level 1 Skills & Digital Study Packet The Skills serve to standardize the core competencies for fundamental-level instruction for a two-semester class. New learning content is built on the Skills. The Digital Study Packets are a reference guide of short procedural videos to enforce the basic software skills needed for the project based learning.
Learning Games/Applications Level 1 Learning Games/Applications Visual Design Measure Applied Mechanics Each game includes: a Learn More PDF, Hands-on Lesson Plan, and Quiz
Project Based Learning Level 2 Project Based Learning Sort by functions Software Subject Difficulty Time Easy to read icons
Project Based Learning Design Thinking Design Thinking is a creative process for discovering opportunities and finding new ideas. The Design Thinking Process is used to align the Digital STEAM Workshop projects with the creative process. The Design Thinking Process helps students understand that the creative process is similar for all design challenges and can be applied to many different types of projects. Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Project Based Learning Through The Digital STEAM Workshop Engages students in science, technology, engineering, art and math through relevant real life projects introduced by industry designers and teachers. 3D project viewers and learning through the design process promotes creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. Students learn by doing rather than learning how to use a design tool. The practice of the arts promotes new ways of thinking and drawing connections while rewarding students for exploration. Teaches essential 21st century skills Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Design Thinking Guide 7 Steps Understand: Watch and Listen Explore: Curiosity and Possibilities Define: Clarify and Synthesize Ideate: Creativity Prototype: Test Refine: Almost There Solution!
Project Overview Page Content Level 2 Project Overview Page Content Design Thinking By replacing ornamental plants with edible plants and following the principles of sustainable landscape design, you create an edible garden.
Project Packet Page Content Education Community Login Required for Teacher Resources Level 2 Project Packet Page Content Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Digital STEAM – Projects Example projects using AutoCAD Edible Landscape Chicken Coop Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Digital STEAM – Projects Example projects using Autodesk Inventor Smart Phone Pooch Cooler VEX Gripper Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Digital STEAM - Projects Example Autodesk Maya Projects Set Designer Help the Environment Visualize a Virus
Teacher Resources Plans Lesson Plans Day to Day Plans STEAM Connections Math & Science Matrices Rubrics & Assessment Tools Academic Standards Mapping Education Community Login Required for Teacher Resources Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
ISTE Seal of Alignment ISTE Seal of Alignment The International Society for Technology in Education ISTE Seal of Alignment Curriculum meeting the requirements of the ISTE NETS. The NETS are widely adopted in the US and are being increasingly adopted worldwide. The ISTE NETS address learning and teaching across entire educational systems and at all student levels.
What the ISTE Seal of Alignment means to teachers? NETS Students Standards and Performance Indicators Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts
Autodesk Certification Solutions for Job Entry SkillsLeve Step 1 Step 2 Classroom Learning Digital STEAM AutoCAD Certified User Digital Study Packet Inventor Certified User Practice Test Exam Preparation and Training Certification Test Certificate
Autodesk Certified User Exam Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.
Digital STEAM Teacher Professional Development Digital STEAM Professional Development Workshop for Teachers Helping teachers move to facilitators Building confidence and helping teachers gain confidence to teach software through design. 3 day workshop and follow up webinars and 1 day training. In country teacher leaders.
Home Page No Login Required Web Site: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: @AutodeskED Home Page No Login Required (Only for Teacher Resources) Every theatrical play, live music performance, or film requires a setting or set. The set is integral to the show; not only does it provide the physical surroundings in which the performance takes place, but it establishes the mood and style of the show.