Series Circuit – 1 bulb Series Circuit – 1 bulb.


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Presentation transcript:

Series Circuit – 1 bulb Series Circuit – 1 bulb

Electric Current is the flow of charge Current can be measured using an ammeter (connected in series) Current is measured in Amps (A) Increasing the Voltage will increase the current Increasing the Resistance will decrease the current Electric Current

Current in a Series Circuit

Current in a Series Circuit

Current in a Series Circuit

Current in Series & Parallel Circuits In a series circuit the current is the same everywhere In a parallel circuit the current divides on entering a junction and rejoins on returning to the battery Current in Series & Parallel Circuits

Current in Series & Parallel Circuits

Current in a Parallel Circuit

Potential Difference is measured in Volts (V) Potential Difference is connected to the amount of energy that is gained or lost across part of a circuit Potential Difference is measured using a Voltmeter (connected in parallel) Potential Difference is measured in Volts (V) Potential Difference gained across a cell or battery is called Voltage Potential Difference

PD in Series and Parallel Circuits PD in Series & Parallel Circuits In a series circuit the potential difference is shared between the components In a parallel circuit the potential difference is the same across each component and equals the voltage across the battery PD in Series and Parallel Circuits

Voltage in a Series Circuits

Series circuits – 2 bulbs Series circuit – 2 bulbs Series circuits – 2 bulbs

Parallel Circuit Parallel Circuit

Voltage in a Parallel Circuit

Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω) Resistance = Potential Difference ÷ Current In a series circuit the total resistance is equal to the sum of the component resistances Resistance

Resistance Resistance

Resistance Resistance

Current-Voltage Graphs Current-Voltage graphs can be used to show how the current flowing through a component changes with different voltages The current through a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage across the resistor (at a constant temperature) Current-Voltage Graphs

Current-Voltage Graphs

Resistance of Components The resistance of a filament lamp increases as the filament gets hotter A diode allows current to flow in one direction only (the diode has a very high resistance in the opposite direction) The resistance of a light dependent resistor decreases with increasing light intensity The resistance of a thermistor decreases with increasing temperature Resistance of Components

Resistance of Components

Resistance of Components

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