The Business Bridge between Switzerland and Romania Challenges and solutions from a Swiss company Romania – Switzerland Investment Forum Hilton Athénée Palace, Bucharest May 9th, 2016 Markus Wirth 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Idea, Inspiration, Strategy, Planning Fact finding Collect information and understand: Country and culture Economical and demographical development in regions and the country Domestic and export markets Infrastructure actual and its development (personal, utilities, transport, communication) Legal system Tax system 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Investment Forum – Markus Wirth You find Well trained / skilled labor force willing to work hard and to learn at moderate cost Easy procedures to establish a company in Romania Bureaucracy that slows down decision taking Unexpected changes in legislation (emergency decisions) 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Investment Forum – Markus Wirth DO Invest in modern / good technology and working places Invent in people (training, events, appreciation) Develop active relations to your customers in Romania Use and apply your (good) values Keep your promises (customers and employees) Explain the compliance and sustainability (economical, environmental, social) of your company 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Investment Forum – Markus Wirth DO Maintain contact to other investors directly, through CCE-R (Chamber of Commerce CH-RO), FIC (Foreign Investors Council), other chambers Dedicate part of your time to work for these organizations (voluntary work) 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Investment Forum – Markus Wirth DO NOT Compare / evaluate the culture and the behavior of people and the systems in Romania with the ones in Switzerland and complain. Just do it the right way, your way Break the regulations, standards, laws Try to accelerate procedures by applying corruption 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Investment Forum – Markus Wirth My success stories Holcim Romania 7 years CEO and president cement, ready mixed concrete, aggregates investments 700 m € Azomures since 2013 Member of the board and of the project steering committee investments 220 m € 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth
Investment Forum – Markus Wirth My success stories Ameropa Grains 1.5 years CEO grain trading Foreign investors council 5 years Board Member Chamber of Commerce CH-RO 5 years President 09.05.2016 Investment Forum – Markus Wirth