Fractions, Decimals and Percents Mini-course Session Seven Developing Percent Concepts
HW Review & Online Game Share your solutions to Decimal Problems II by discussing the following questions: What was the longest / shortest path you found? What logic or method did you use to make sure you always moved to a larger value?
Objectives To use grids, number lines and color tiles as models for illustrating percent concepts. To build on participants existing number sense with percent. To review and extend participants understanding of NCTM Number and Operation Standard.
Percent Concepts Define each word: Centipede Centimeter Century Cent What do these words have in common? “cent” in percent relates to these words and to 100.
Percent Concepts What does “per” mean? For example: -- Miles per hour -- Cost per person -- Participants per teacher Percent: for every one hundred Let’s think of percent as making comparisons to 100!
Percent Examples
Estimating Percents BLM 40 Each Square is worth 100 percent Estimate the percent for the shaded portion and write it below each square.
Checking Estimates Use the transparency overlay to find the exact percent shaded by counting the squares. The grid fits perfectly over the squares. Discuss how far or how close you were in your estimates with your partners.
Finding Percents of Different Numbers BLM 41 Illustrate the percentages with color tiles Form a collection that fits each description. You do not need 100 items to illustrate the percent.
Percent Grids BLM 42 Work with a partner to figure out which portion to shade to represent the %.
Percent Number Lines BLM 43 Next estimate the % represented by the dots on the number line.
NCTM Numbers and Operation Standard Students can develop a deep understanding of rational numbers through experiences with a variety of models such as fraction strips, number lines, 10 x 10 grids, area models, and objects.
Percents 0 - 100 Write your initials on each dot and place them on the five foot number line. Place your green dot to show your confidence with fractions, decimals and percents prior to taking the class. Place the yellow dot to show your confidence after taking the class What do you think has contributed to the growth?
Reflection and Closure Homework: Bringing Mathematics Home 7 Top Ten Tips for Parents Percent Problems Please bring your fractions strips from Session 6 to class for Session 8.