Converting repeating decimals to fractions Rational Numbers Converting repeating decimals to fractions
Sort the cards into three groups… give each group a label that explains what the values have in common.
How can we represent each of these fractions as decimals? 2 5 = 13 20 = 42 125 = .4 .65 .336
2 5 = 13 20 = 42 125 = .4 .65 .336 How would you write the following decimals as fractions? 3 10 52 100 = 13 25 .3= .52=
Find the five decimals that TERMINATE in your cards… Glue them on your paper. Convert them to simplified fractions.
How can we represent each of these fractions as decimals? 2 9 = 4 9 = 8 9 = . 2 . 4 . 8
2 9 = 4 9 = 8 9 = . 2 . 4 . 8 How would you write the following decimals as fractions? 7 9 6 9 = 2 3 . 7 = . 6 =
How can we represent each of these fractions as decimals? 23 99 = 4 99 = 82 99 = . 23 . 04 . 82
23 99 = 4 99 = 82 99 = . 23 . 04 . 82 How would you write the following decimals as fractions? 34 99 9 99 = 1 11 . 34 = . 09 =
Try them (and more) out! Notice any patterns so far? Any thoughts on what 52 999 would look like as a fraction? Or what . 3152 would look like as a decimal? Try them (and more) out!
Find the five decimals that ALL the digits are part of the REPEATING pattern in your cards… Glue them on your paper. Convert them to simplified fractions.