Terminology for IPv6 Benchmarking <draft-ietf-martin-term-ipv6-00 Terminology for IPv6 Benchmarking <draft-ietf-martin-term-ipv6-00.txt> Cynthia Martin, SI International Jeff Dunn 11-Oct-2004 IETF-BMWG
IPv6 Terminology ID: Purpose/Goals This memo discusses and defines terms associated with IPv6 performance benchmarking tests and the results of these tests in the context of other BMWG terminology documents, including Local Area Networks (LAN), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay (FR), and Firewalls. Discussed at the 62st IETF in Washington, DC Expand/add IPv6 to current RFC’s/ID’s Benchmarking Methodology for Firewall Performance, RFC 3511 Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices, RFC 2544 http://home.comcast.net/~acmacm/IDcheck/draft-martin-bmwg- ipv6-term-xx.txt 11-Oct-2004 IETF-BMWG
Existing terms and definitions in other BMWG documents ID Roadmap Existing terms and definitions in other BMWG documents Terms and definitions IPv6 specific IPv4/IPv6 dual-environment Performance Metrics 11-Oct-2004 IETF-BMWG
Complete Terms and definitions section ID Future Development Complete Terms and definitions section Begin Performance Metrics section Release next ID version -01- within the next month 11-Oct-2004 IETF-BMWG
Additional ID Development Begin development of IPv6 methodology ID <draft-ietf-martin-method-ipv6-00.txt> Define requirements and configurations Expand (embellish) component descriptions Define methodology Define test cases 11-Oct-2004 IETF-BMWG