City of Edinburgh Council – Direct Payments Prepaid allpay Card City of Edinburgh Council – Direct Payments
Direct Payment Numbers 800 Primary Cardholders and 200 Secondary Cardholders with an allpay account 500 clients who receive BACS payments with Designated Accounts who provide returns on a quarterly basis £20 million per year paid to Direct Payment clients New clients 8 – 12 per week moving to allpay Card Payment runs every 4 weeks with one Interim run for urgent payments – Adults and Children & Families
Direct Payments Project – Set Up Decided basic issues with allpay such as which logo to use, correspondence going out with card, what the client could use the card for e.g. no ATM withdrawals, and Merchant Categories - where cardholders could make purchases Provided allpay with our Adults and Children at Risk policies, & procedures around care assessments and reviews of services Provided allpay with the numbers of clients who received more than £100,000 per year and set an upper load limit of £200,000 Provided allpay with Cardholder Title, Names, Addresses, Gender and DOB to create the cards
Direct Payments Project – Set Up (cont.) Confirmed how monies would be returned from e-wallet to City of Edinburgh Council bank account Training Staff – allpay Trainer over 2 days Allpay consultant for one week to oversee set up and first load Set up of Users, Roles and Access to Portal Set up of Processes and Procedures for Reclaims Produced a Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure
Communications Keeping cardholders and stakeholders (providers, councillors, social workers) up to date with payment dates and important milestones during the transfer to allpay How to use the card:- Making a top up/paying client contribution Paying the cardholder’s agency or provider Paying the client’s Personal Assistant Using the client’s card to make purchases Requesting a paper statement
Requesting an allpay card Practitioner carries out a needs assessment and requests a Direct Payment for the client Edinburgh carries out a KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure Edinburgh asks cardholder to sign a DP Agreement Edinburgh requests the Card (Primary & Secondary cardholders) through the allpay Portal Allpay checks for Politically Exposed Persons Allpay sends the card to the Cardholder within 5 days with information on how to activate the card
Making a Payment to our Cardholders All clients are recorded on our Swift System with a Client ID which matches the Client ID on the allpay Portal We pay our clients based on the commitment on Swift When we carry out a payment run we send all the monies to the allpay e-wallet via our ORACLE system After a week we check that the monies have arrived in the e- wallet We then run a report from Swift to produce a file which we upload onto the allpay Portal and this loads all the cards with the appropriate payments based on the Client ID
Reports and Audit Card Status Report - Edinburgh used this report to monitor how quickly clients were activating their allpay cards Transaction Report Successful and Transaction Report Unsuccessful – Edinburgh uses these reports to Audit Cardholder expenditure Funding Account Balance - Edinburgh uses this report to reconcile monies going in and out Cardholder Statement - Edinburgh uses this report to deal with queries from Cardholders
Any Questions? Liz Davern, Team Manager, Social Care Finance, Lorraine Macfarlane, Team Leader, Social Care Finance