Today is a great day for the parish as 20 of our children Commentator: Today is a great day for the parish as 20 of our children will be receiving Jesus in their hearts. “I am the bread of life come down from Heaven” says the Lord. Jesus is the bread of life, come down from heaven to give us life , to nourish and empower us. As we partake of this BREAD OF LIFE , together with our children who will receive Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time, let us experience the presence of Jesus filling us with life and zeal, to praise and worship our God.(pause) On this special day our children need our support, prayers and constant encouragement. Vibrant with life from Jesus the Bread of Life with one Heart and Mind, the celebrant along with the first communicants and their parents approach the altar in procession.
The First Holy Communicants ,The Parents , Dancers Procession : The First Holy Communicants ,The Parents , Dancers and followed by the altar servers with the cross bearers and the Priests. When the children and the parents reach the altar , they bow and go to their respective places and remain standing. The altar servers and the Priests will remain there till the entrance dance is over. And then the priests will be welcomed by the arti.. Celebrant: Let us now prepare our hearts to celebrate this Eucharist by recalling to mind our sins. We shall now have the penitential rite.
(Fabiyona) Lord Jesus you taught us to love unconditionally, Penitential Rite: (Fabiyona) Lord Jesus you taught us to love unconditionally, but there are times , we love others by putting conditions. We fail to love the poor, the sick and those who hurt us. For this we are sorry. (Choir) (Frince)Lord , we thank you for our parents, friends and the people who are kind to us. But, Lord we ask you to forgive us for the times we have been selfish and not shared our things with others. (Rebica)Lord, We thank you for blessing us with many gifts and talents. We ask your pardon, for not making use of these talents, which would bring glory to your name.
Kyrie Eleison; Lord, have mercy. (2) Christe Eleison; Christ, have mercy. (2) Kyrie Eleison; Lord, have mercy. (2)
Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, To people of good will. We praise You, we bless You, we adore You, We glorify You, we give You thanks For Your great glory. Lord God Heavenly king, O God Almighty Father Mass of Joy and Peace
Lord, Jesus Christ, only begotten Son, Lord God, lamb of God, Son of the Father. You take away the sins of the world, Have mercy, have mercy on us. Receive our prayer, receive our prayer. You are seated at the right hand of the Father, Have mercy on us, have mercy on us.
For You alone are the Holy one, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, In the glory of God the Father.
you love us with an everlasting love and you watch over us Celebrant : God our Father, you love us with an everlasting love and you watch over us with gentle care. You began to give us your life in Baptism. Today, these 20 children will receive the gift of your son, Jesus Christ, in Holy Communion. Come into our hearts and help us to grow in you and share you with all God’s people. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Choir sings the Antiphon O blessed are those who fear the Lord!
Sing Alleluia to the Lord (2) Jesus is risen from the dead…
Renewal of Baptismal Promises: Celebrant : At our baptism, we became members of the family of Jesus Christ. Today these children will be making their promises to God , so it is fitting that all of us, together with these children, proclaim our faith in God, in Jesus Christ and in the Church. The children will have their candles lit as a sign of their living faith. My dear children, when you were baptized you were not old enough to promise God that you would be his loving children. Today you will be able to tell God what your Godparents promised for you. The first time you received a gift of special love from God the Father, was on the day of your baptism. You were called to be a child of God. Now that you are growing to love God more, make your own promises to Him.
(Sweedel) God My Father- today before you - my family and friends – Child : (Sweedel) God My Father- today before you - my family and friends – I want to make my own Baptismal Promises – Jesus, I want to live – more like you. At Holy Communion – you will give me – your life and strength – to live my Baptism. Mummy and Daddy – I thank you – for the gift of Baptism – and for your example – to help me – live like Jesus. Celebrant: My dear children, before you make your promise to live like Jesus, I am going to ask you a few questions so that you may express your faith and belonging to the Christian family. Do you believe in God who created us, who knows you by name and loves you? All: We do believe.
Do you reject Satan and all his work and empty promises? Celebrant: Do you believe in Jesus Christ who was obedient to the father and because He loves you, He became man, died and rose again to give you new life? All: We do believe. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit of God, who helps you know what is right and wrong and will try to live the way He guides you? Do you reject Satan and all his work and empty promises? All: Yes we reject Satan.
Now then make your promise to Jesus. Celebrant: Do you believe that we are children of God and that He loves us and that as brothers and sisters we must love one another? All : We do believe. Celebrant : Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and that we too will live forever? Now then make your promise to Jesus.
All : Jesus, you gave us new life, through the sacrament of Baptism. We thank you for nourishing us in the Eucharist through your Body and Blood. We promise to live as true children of God. Celebrant : Lord we offer you the faith of these children. Bless them with your courage and strength to live up with the promise they have made.
Response : Bless them dear Lord. Prayer of the Faithful: Celebrant : From the time we were conceived, till this day when we are filled with joy at receiving Jesus, our lives have been a pleasant journey, made so, for us, by the unstinted efforts of many individuals and above all, by the constant, tender protection, of our loving creator. With sentiments of gratitude in our hearts, let us pray for these individuals. Response : Bless them dear Lord. God our Father, listen to the prayers of Your children. Help us to be more and more like Jesus. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen
Response : Bless them dear Lord. Prayer of the Faithful: Celebrant : From the time we were conceived, till this day when we are filled with joy at receiving Jesus, our lives have been a pleasant journey, made so, for us, by the unstinted efforts of many individuals and above all, by the constant, tender protection, of our loving creator. With sentiments of gratitude in our hearts, let us pray for these individuals. Response : Bless them dear Lord. God our Father, listen to the prayers of Your children. Help us to be more and more like Jesus. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen
Offertory And Love Offerings First Holy Communicants. Joshua : Jesus told us that whatever we do, to the weak, the suffering and the abandoned, we do it for you. Today, as we celebrate your coming into our hearts, we will be showered with love and gifts from our families and friends. We wish to share these gifts and our love with the many children who have no mummies and daddies a nd who do not always receive the love and care, that we do. Jesus, accept our love offerings and gift us with the grace always to reach out to others in love and service and fraternal sharing.
Blessed are You, Lord, God of all creation. Through Your goodness we have this bread to offer You; Which earth has giv’n and human hands have made: It will become for us the Bread of life. Blessed be God for evermore (3).
Blessed are You, Lord, God of all creation. Through Your goodness we have this wine to offer You. Fruit of the vine, and work of human hands: It will become for us our drink divine. Blessed be God for evermore (3).
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts.(2) Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest Blessed, blessed he who come in the name of the Lord.(2)
(Arati at doxology)
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world.
Have mercy on us, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world.
Have mercy on us, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world.
Grant us Your peace, grant us Your peace.
Dear Jesus, come into our heart. Be our friend, lead us to love God Pre Communion Prayer: (Brinal Fernandes) Dear Jesus, come into our heart. Be our friend, lead us to love God and all those we meet in our lives. Give us courage to be true to You. Mother Mary be with us and lead us to the altar to meet our best friend Jesus.
Five thousand men near Galilee’s lake Ate bread and fish that Jesus had given; Then on the morrow, Jesus proclaimed: He was the bread from heaven.
this is indeed my blood; What I have done now, you, too, must do, Take and eat, this indeed my flesh, Take and drink, this is indeed my blood; What I have done now, you, too, must do, All to remember me.
“If any one will eat of this bread, He shall have life that will never end; This bread, My flesh , I give to the world, Life of its soul I tend.”
this is indeed my blood; What I have done now, you, too, must do, Take and eat, this indeed my flesh, Take and drink, this is indeed my blood; What I have done now, you, too, must do, All to remember me.
Many disciples left Jesus’ side. Would not believe the truth they had heard; But the apostles with peter’s faith, Stood by our Lord’s own word.
this is indeed my blood; What I have done now, you, too, must do, Take and eat, this indeed my flesh, Take and drink, this is indeed my blood; What I have done now, you, too, must do, All to remember me.
In the blessed sacrament. Come let's share In the banquet of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament, Come let's share in the supper of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament.
Eat the bread and drink the wine, Flesh and blood of the Lord divine, Share His life, it is yours and mine, For we are one in His design.
Come let's share In the passion of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament, Come let's share the resurrection of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament.
Eat the bread and drink the wine, Flesh and blood of the Lord divine, Share His life, it is yours and mine, For we are one in His design.
Come let's share In the ascension of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament, Come let's share our union with the Lord, In the blessed sacrament.
Eat the bread and drink the wine, Flesh and blood of the Lord divine, Share His life, it is yours and mine, For we are one in His design.
Come let's share in the life of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament, Come let's share in the love of the Lord, In the blessed sacrament.
Eat the bread and drink the wine, Flesh and blood of the Lord divine, Share His life, it is yours and mine, For we are one in His design.
when He made man Whose divine nature is Love. Born of God’s love Love it was that made us And it was love that saved us Love was God’s plan, when He made man Whose divine nature is Love. Born of God’s love we must love Him That’s why He made us to love Him. But only when we love all men Can we partake of God’s love. But only when we love all men Can we partake of God’s love.
Love is a wonderful thing Joy in our hearts it will bring, Where there’s true love there is God, And where there’s God there is Love.
when He made man Whose divine nature is Love. Born of God’s love Love it was that made us And it was love that saved us Love was God’s plan, when He made man Whose divine nature is Love. Born of God’s love we must love Him That’s why He made us to love Him. But only when we love all men Can we partake of God’s love. But only when we love all men Can we partake of God’s love.
Christ said: Love must be a sign By which men will know you are mine, A new commandment I give, Each other love as I did.
when He made man Whose divine nature is Love. Born of God’s love Love it was that made us And it was love that saved us Love was God’s plan, when He made man Whose divine nature is Love. Born of God’s love we must love Him That’s why He made us to love Him. But only when we love all men Can we partake of God’s love. But only when we love all men Can we partake of God’s love.
He brought me to his banqueting table, His banner over me is love. And His banner over me is love (3). His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love. He lifts me up into heavenly places, And His banner over me is love (3). His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love. I’m safe and secure in the Rock of all ages, And His banner over me is love (3). His banner over me is love.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, His banner over me is love. And His banner over me is love (3). His banner over me is love.
Loving Jesus we the First Holy Communicants Thanksgiving Prayer: (Deanna Velladares) Loving Jesus we the First Holy Communicants thank you for coming into our hearts. Stay with us Lord. Help us to experience your presence always. We promise you, that we will be good children and spread the message of your love, to those around us, by breaking our bodies and shedding our blood in service to all, which will show others, that you dwell, within our hearts.
We thank you for the gift of Your son Jesus Christ to our children. Parent: Heavenly Father, We thank you for the gift of Your son Jesus Christ to our children. Our hearts are filled with joy, as our children welcome Jesus in their lives. May we always remember this grace bestowed on us. We thank you for the Catechists who have labored for our children and have so generously given their precious time for preparing them to worthily receive your son Jesus. We also thank Fr. Anton and Fr. Ranald for making the Eucharistic celebration a meaningful one for our children. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Our children who have received Commentator : Action song Our children who have received Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time are filled with joy. They would now like to express their joy in an action song. (Please be seated)
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. (3) Let it shine, let it shine let it shine.
Lights the darkness from above. It shines on me and it shines on you The light that shines is the light of love, Lights the darkness from above. It shines on me and it shines on you And shows what the power of love can do. I’m gonna shine my light both far and near, I’m gonna shine my light both bright and clear, Where there’s a dark corner in this land I’m gonna let my little light shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. (3) Let it shine, let it shine let it shine.
Tuesday peace came from above. On Wednesday he told me On Monday he gave me the gift of love, Tuesday peace came from above. On Wednesday he told me to have more faith, On Thursday he gave me a little more grace. Friday he told me just to watch and pray, Saturday he told me just what to say. On Sunday he gave me the power divine To let my little light shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. (3) Let it shine, let it shine let it shine.