Persuasive Strategies Copyright 2006 IRA/NCTE. All rights reserved. materials may be reproduced for educational purposes. Images ©2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rhetoric The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other techniques.
2. Words to Know Persuasive Effective
3. Claim State your argument. Example: Chocolate is a healthy snack.
Big Names 4. Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing. Example: Michelle Obama thinks that junk food should be taken out of vending machines.
Logos = Logic 5. Facts, reliable research, and logical reasoning will strengthen your argument. Example: A recent study found that students who watch TV during the week don’t do as well in school.
Pathos = emotion 6. Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument. Example: Your donation to the humane society will prevent animals like this one from being euthanized.
Ethos = (ethical) trustworthiness 7. If people believe and trust in you, you’re more likely to persuade them. Example: Believe me! I’ve been there before. I’m just like you. Example: Do the right thing!
Kairos = urgency 8. Try to convince your audience that this issue is so important they must act now. Example: This is a one-time offer. You can’t get this price after today.
9. Parts of a Persuasive Speech Claim Persuasive techniques Discredit opposition Call to action
10. Rhetoric Effective persuasive speaking or writing should contain the following: Figures of speech Repetition / parallelism Rhetorical questions Connotative language Persuasive techniques