Step 1: Independently read/highlight/annotate the 3 philosophies Pay attention to vocab you don’t know! Try to get a general idea of: What the main idea is What the ultimate goal of the three philosophies is (hint-they have a common goal)
Step 2: Compare with a group/fill in your chart Clarify any misunderstandings Let’s recap quickly
Step 3-SAQ-Complete 1 on your own paper and turn in! 1A. Identify and explain one way in which religion and philosophy have remained continuous in human society since the Neolithic Revolution. 1B. Identify and explain one way in which religion and philosophy have changed in human society since the Neolithic Revolution. 1C. Identify one of the three Chinese philosophies that still has a large presence today, and explain how it continues to impact the world. 2A. Identify and explain the main beliefs of Confucianism and how it affected Chinese society. 2B. Identify and explain the main beliefs either Legalism OR Daoism and how it affected Chinese society. 2C. Identify and explain one similarity and one difference between Confucianism and EITHER Daoism OR Legalism.