Jesus 3 – Satan 0 Pastor Matt Stacey Matthew 4:10 1st! of L.P. Oct. 22, 2017
Thursday Night Football
Talking about Satan is a dangerous Road with 2 destructive ditches Some give Satan too much attention & credit – Some don’t give him enough careful care –
Makes top 5 most important lessons from our text #5 – Don’t underestimate your enemy
3 recorded tests proving Jesus as Messiah 1) Provide for Yourself - Obedience more important than Sustenance 2) Have God Prove His affection by protecting you God has nothing left to prove Today the 3rd Test
Matthew’s Order vs. Luke’s Order Provide for yourself Force God to protect The Trade Emphasizing that Jesus is the Messiah Provide for yourself The Trade Force God to protect Likes to move to Jerusalem
7th Proofs that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah Right Family, Right Father, Right Time, Right Places, Identified by Prophet, Identified by God, Now Tested & proven by Satan
No Mention of Jesus’ authority 1) IF / Since You are God… 2) If You are a good man this should be true 3) __________ nothing about Jesus The Devil is flaunting his Authority
The Devil is flaunting his Authority A. His Names: Devil –“diabolos” prone to slander, accusing falsely Satan – OT & NT name, adversary, Lucifer – 1x - Isa. 14:12 – “Star of the morning” light bearer The evil one – I John 5:19
The Devil is flaunting his Authority A. His Names: Great Dragon / Serpent of Old Rev. 12:10 10 “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
The Devil is flaunting his Authority A. His Names: B. His Power: vs. 8 “took Jesus up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” Luke 4 adds “in a moment of time”
The Devil is flaunting his Authority A. His Names: B. His Power: C. His Offer Mt. 4:9 “all these things I will give You …” Luke “…I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.”
The Devil is flaunting his Authority Beelzebub – Mt. 10:25 literally = “lord of the house”, “lord of flies” “lord of dung” Ruler of this world - John 12:31 Prince of the Power of the air – Eph. 2:2 god of this world – II Cor. 4:4
Makes top 5 most important lessons from our text #5 – Don’t underestimate your enemy #4 – The End does NOT Justify the Means
The Devil is flaunting his Authority A. His Names: B. His Power: C. His Offer D. The Catch “IF You will fall down and worship me” Jesus Scripture: Deut. 6:10-16 God to Israel “When I give You good…” “BEWARE – …”
Makes top 5 most important lessons from our text #5 – Don’t underestimate your enemy #4 – The End does NOT Justify the Means #3 – Jesus Applies Scripture to His own Life #2 – Resist the Devil
Matthew 4:10 Deuteronomy 6:13 “For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.'” Jesus explains & expounds on that word for us in Mt. 4:10 Worship / Serve "You shall fear the LORD your God and serve Him, and shall take oaths in His name.” 1) Fear – to revere, to honor 2) Serve Him – “abad” to work or serve translated regularly as worship, serve, or do 3) Swear – to give an oath;
Makes top 5 most important lessons from our text #5 – Don’t underestimate your enemy #4 – The End does NOT Justify the Means #3 – Jesus Applies Scripture to His own Life #2 – Resist the Devil #1 – Worship the Lord ALONE!