Establishing a competitive and sustainable TNE market in China Education Across Borders: Transnational Education SIG Forum Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, 17 July 2015 Establishing a competitive and sustainable TNE market in China AN INSIDER PERSPECTIVE Mingyan Hu PhD Candidate School of Languages and Linguistics Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD
Current landscape of TNE in China Overall scale (MoE, 2015) Tier 1 8 Chinese-foreign cooperative institutes 550,000 students 1,500,000 graduates Tier 2 50 Chinese-foreign cooperative institutes Tier 3 2000 Chinese-foreign cooperative programs CFCRS 600+ Chinese colleges & universities 400+ Foreign colleges & universities Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 中外合作办学
Current landscape of TNE in China TNE in China ≠ CFCRS ? TNE in China 中外合作办学 CFCRS Non-CFCRS 非中外合作办学 (With governmental approval) (With governmental approval) (Without governmental approval) Central government Provincial/municipal governments Provincial/municipal governments Tier 1 with legal status Chinese-foreign cooperative institutes 中外合作办学机构 Inter-university communication and exchange programs 校际交流项目 International programs on a commercial basis (e.g. chain or franchise) 商业化国际项目 Tier 2 without legal status (With/without a commercial basis) Chinese-foreign cooperative programs 中外合作办学项目 ? Tier 3 various delivery models (Without a commercial basis) MoE Lists (Adapted from Hu and Willis, in press)
Current landscape of TNE in China The “New Normal” Quality assurance New skills
New growth points 50 Chinese-foreign cooperative institutes (Tier 2) (MoE, 2015)
New growth points 50 Chinese-foreign cooperative institutes (Tier 2) (MoE, 2015)
New growth points Chinese-foreign cooperative programs (Tier 3) 43 programs approved by MoE, 2nd half 2014 (MoE, January 2015)
New growth points Chinese-foreign cooperative programs (Tier 3) 43 programs approved by MoE, 2nd half 2014 (MoE, January 2015)
A tandem strategic framework Guanxi/relationships Partnership Through incremental stages Program mobility Provider mobility Tier 3 Cooperative programs Mechanical Engineering Material Engineering MoE approval 2010 Hannam University 2015 SCH University Tier 2 Cooperative institutes 2016 ASTU-SCH Cooperative College of Medical Cosmetology Information Security Architectural Design
Implications for Australian TNE providers Obtaining Chinese government approval & Support Providing new programs with changing skills Moving to the central and western regions of China Establishing Tier 2 cooperative institutes and Tier 3 cooperative programs in tandem
References Australian Government. (February 2015). Transnational education in the public VET sector. Retrieved from Snapshots/Documents/TNE_Public%20VET%202013_FINAL.pdf Australian Government. (March 2015). Sino-Australian Forum on Transnational Education and Student Mobility. Retrieved from network/china/PolicyUpdates-China/Pages/Sino-Australian-Forum-on-Transnational-Education-and- Student-Mobility.aspx Australian Government. (May 2015). China-Transnational higher education update: The second meeting of the Deans’ Association of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools. Retrieved from Education-Update.aspx Autralian Government. (October 2014). Transnational education in the higher education sector. Retrieved from Snapshots/Documents/Transnational%20education_HE_2013.pdf Custer, S. (2013). What do host countries think of TNE? New study shares insight. Retrieved from Dunning, J. H. (1992). The competitive advantage of countries and the activities of transnational corporation. Transnational Corporations, 1(1), 135-168. Edwards, R., & Edwards, J. (2001). Internationalisation of education: A business perspective. Australian Journal of Education, 45(1), 76-89.
References Hu, M., & Willis, L. (In press). A critical review of cross-border/transnational education in China: Misunderstandings, peculiarities, and new interpretations towards a common framework. McBurnie, G., & Ziguras, C. (2007). Transnational education: Issues and trends in offshore higher education. London: Routledge. Ministry of Education. (2015). Lists of the Chinese-foreign cooperative institutes and programs (in Chinese). Retrieved from Ministry of Education. (August 2013). Notice of the Chinese-foreign cooperative programs approved in the first half of Year 2013 (in Chinese). Retrieved from Ministry of Education. (January 2014). Notice of the Chinese-foreign cooperative programs approved in the second half of Year 2013 (in Chinese). Retrieved from Ministry of Education. (January 2015). Notice of the Chinese-foreign cooperative programs approved in the second half of Year 2014 (in Chinese). Retrieved from Universities Australia. (April 2014). Offshore programs of Australian univerisities. Retrieved from https:// 2014 Offshore Programs FINAL.pdf.aspx Willis, M. (2007). Suggestions and procedures for choosing a Chinese institution of higher education as a partner. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 18(2-3), 9-43.