The evolution of film. By Annie Dillon.
History of film. The motion picture industry began around the 1890s. They used and optical technique which created and illusion called persistence of vison and the phi phenomenon. Motion picture required live action sots to be photographed spontaneously and simultaneously. Edward Muybridge between 1872 and 1877. He worked on trying to prove that when a horse gallops that at ne point all four hooves are off the ground. Images mounted to a rotating disk the produced a moving picture. The projected it through the magic lantern.
The magic lantern. The magic lantern is the earliest type of image projector. It projected photographs, it was used to create a motion picture. It found its name from the artist Leonardo De Vinci.
Cinema. Cinemas had limited options of movies being shown. Cinemas resembled theatres rather then the modern cinemas we know today. Cinema. Cinemas were a luxury and there were huge ques to go see a film.
Film today. There has been a major decile in cinema attendance in resent years. The increasing price if movie tickets is having a major affect on the attendance in cinema. The wide verity of film available online for a fraction on the price has made cinema less appealing to the digital generation.
Online Online subscriptions like Netflix has made in easy of us on like generation to enjoy cinema from home. Netflix has more than 60 million subscribers in 2015. 11 billon hours is the estimated time spent on Netflix each mount. Netflix and other online platforms are available on mobile devices. Its platforms like this that is causing a huge decline on cinema attendance.
Change. Hollywood need to change, give people the option of cinemas at home. It would increase there profit by 100%. Websites like Netflix but for opening day releases is needed in the 21st century. Today half the internet uses at prime time is for streaming. “Crouching tiger hidden dragon 2” was the first to release the movie on Netflix and the cinema on the same day. This inevitable change will in turn benefit us the viewers and them Hollywood.
People will have the option to watch at home on the TV. films or football ? Opening day at the movies will soon be like a sporting event. Only die hard fan will attend the opening day at the cinema.
Hollywood goes digital. As of 2014 Hollywood went digital and stopped producing film. The change in technology will cost an average of $70,000 a screen. There is a move to digital projectors. This change is causing the shout down of cinemas around the world.