Story Of Arjuna Janvi Nandwani By Hare Krishna, My name is Janvi Nandwani…. and today I am going to tell you all a story about Arjuna and his great concentration and perseverance and received favor from his Guru Deva. By Janvi Nandwani
Pandavas and Kauravas as young prince in Dhronacharya’s ashram When Pandavas and Kauravas were young prince they all went for studies to the ashrama of their Guru Acharya Drona - Teacher of the Royal family.
Acharya Drona was very much pleased with Arjuna and showed preferential love and favour towards him Out of all Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna had immense liking for the sport of bow and arrow. He practiced this art with great concentration and perseverance. Soon he became number one in this art. Acharya Drona was very much pleased with Arjuna and showed preferential love and favor towards him.
Dhuryodhana talks to Acharya Dhrona Dhronacharya’s love for Arjuna caused jealousy in the heart of Duryodhana and his brother Dushasana. So one day they openly criticized their Guru for favor shown towards Arjuna, telling him they also were not less skillful in archery
Acharya Drona arranged a test to decide the best archer amongst all. Hearing the Kauravas complain, Acharya Drona arranged a test to show the best archer amongst all. Accordingly, a wooden bird was placed on a branch of a distant tree. It was partly hidden by the foliage. A prominent artificial eye was painted on the wooden bird. The teacher called all his disciples and said, "Look my children, a bird is sitting on that far off tree. You have to hit the arrow EXACTLY in its eye."
All the princes came one by one to try First the eldest Yudhisthira was invited to try his skill. He stretched his bow-string and was about to release the arrow. Dronacharya asked him, "O eldest son of Kunti, may I know what is visible to you at this point of time?" Yudhisthira replied innocently, "O Gurudev, I am seeing you, the tree, people around me, and the bird!" Similar questions were put to Duryodhana, Bhima, Nakul, Sahadeva and others, and Acharya Drona got the similar answers as those given by Yudhisthira. Dronacharya told them to step aside as it was obvious that with such poor concentration they were sure to miss the target! All the princes came one by one to try
Arjuna readied himself, his bow and arrow in perfect graceful harmony! Lastly, it was the turn of Arjuna. He readied himself, his bow and arrow in perfect graceful harmony!
Arjuna saw only the eye of the bird. When the Guru asked him, "O Arjuna, can you tell me what you see“, Arjuna replied, "Sir, at this point of time I see only the eye of the bird" The Guru asked, “Do you see anything else – the tree or the people around?” Arjuna replied,” No Guru Deva! I see ONLY the eye of the bird”. Then the Guru said, “Shoot it now!” When Arjuna shot the arrow, it exactly hit the EYE of the bird and fell down proving that Arjuna was the best archer! Arjuna saw only the eye of the bird.
Dhronacharya was pleased with Arjuna Dronacharya was pleased with Arjuna's immense concentration and correct approach towards the art of archery. He then explained to others how due to such peculiar yogic qualities and powers he preferred Arjuna as his best disciple.. Dhronacharya was pleased with Arjuna
How does one get Guru’s mercy? Sincere dedication Faith in Guru’s words Obeying to Guru’s instructions Service to Guru Not everyone gets the mercy of Guru Deva.. Only the dedicated disciple earns his favor.
Namas te guru-devaya Sarva-siddhi pradayine Sarva mangala rupaya Sarvananda vidhayine I offer pranam to Gurudeva, to bestow all spiritual perfection and happiness
Guru Devā Jaya Guru Devā Saraņam Saraņam Pāda Padmā Amrta Vāņiyā Prema Kathā Sri Jaya Nārāyanā Devā …. (Guru) Kuruksetra Samarāňgaņa Gitā Viveka Samudga Bhagavad Gitā Vyasa Viracitā Bhārat Kathā Vişva Mangala Puņya Kathā … (Guru) Kavi Kokila Vālmiki Viracitā Dharmika Sunita Rāma Kathā Sukamuni Bhāşhita Bhāgavatā Sikara Prema Krishna Kathā … (Guru)
Sree Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadara Srivasadi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare … (Guru)
Thank You Hare Krishna!