Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica ECOTOURISM Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica
Ecotourism What is ecotourism? According to the IB, ecotourism is According to, ecotourism is responsible travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strive to low impact and often small scale.
Costa Rica’s Monteverde cloud forest Costa Rica, located in Central America, often advertises itself as an ecotourism location. The government has actively promoted ecotourism to create jobs and income in a country which has seen a decline in the primary sector. Small-scale sustainable tourist developments have been promoted in protected areas. One of these areas in the Montverde cloud forest. The cloud forest is at an altitude of about 1700 metres. It has extremely diverse flora and fauna. Over 100 species of mammals, 2,500 plant species over 400 bird species and over 120 reptile and amphibian species. Tourism was initially developed by a population of about 5,000 Christians living in the area. Tourist development included the local population who had interest in the maintenance of the forest.
Benefits of the growth in tourism In 1972 the 'Tropical Science Centre' purchased an area of forest to be managed by the Quakers for tourism activities. In 1974 the area only received 471 visitors but by the 1990's tourism was averaging about 50,000 a year. To try and stop tourism growing too big, locals asked for the roads not to be paved. To this day the only access is by dirt road. This growth in tourism has created numerous benefits: 80 new businesses have opened in Monteverde since 1970's There are 400 full-time and 140 part-time jobs directly related to tourism - there are many more indirect jobs. The Monteverde reserve employs over 50 staff. The reserve actually budgets to train and educate locals and tourists about ecotourism and protection of the reserve. Locals arts and crafts have been rejuvenated. Local population and private sector value the cloud forest as its creates income. It is worth more standing than being cut down.
Drawbacks As with most things there are problems associated with it: 1. People have migrated into the area looking for jobs placing pressure on the local infrastructure. 2. Tourists are demanding more and more facilities and greater luxury. These facilities can use more electricity, although the majority of Costa Rica's energy is produced from renewable sources. 3. Many areas close to the trails have less wildlife, showing that humans do disturb and have an impact on them 4. Because of the dirt track road, most tourists arrive in 4x4s which use more petrol. In addition the large amounts of 4x4s create a lot of dust which can disturb plant and animal life.
CARRYING CAPACITY What is carrying capacity? According to the IB, carrying capacity is According to, carrying capacity is the maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction.
Problems if Carrying Capacity is exceeded Includes: 1. Tensions between locals and tourists. 2. Air pollution from increased cars and flights 3. Visual and noise pollution 4. Disturbance of wildlife 5. Deforestation 6. Congestion 7. Water pollution from increased waste 8. Water shortages from increased demand 9. Damage to archaeological sites