Club Sponsors: Bouchra Bouanani Suzan Bawolek Heather Cavell AZVA Space Club Welcome to adventure! Club Sponsors: Bouchra Bouanani Suzan Bawolek Heather Cavell
What are we about? In Space club you will get to participate in a wide variety of activities exploring space and space travel. Parents, space club uses activities that are centered on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) curriculum and Arizona State Standards. We will also have a chance to visit Arizona’s space hotspots and see what is in store for the future of NASA! So, if you are interested in space and all of its wonderment, come and join us!
Agenda Welcome Activity News in Space Space Station Scavenger Hunt Events Club Space Patch Contest Semester 2 Outlook
Who are we…. Mrs. Bouanani Mrs. Bawolek Ms. Cavell
News in Space See the Weebly for a Curiosity Update! UPDATE - NASA, Boeing, SpaceX Discuss Plan for Launching American Astronauts from the U.S. in 2017 What’s Up for January – Jupiter
Space Station
Space Station Scavenger Hunt As a team you will go to: You will use the information there to complete your Space Station Scavenger Hunt Slide together Put your answers and screenshots onto the whiteboard pages.
Space Station Scavenger Hunt How much does the space station Weight? What are the dimensions of the space station? How many expeditions have been to the space station? What was the vehicle used on the first crew mission to the space station? How many space walks have been conducted on the Space Station? How many times has the space station orbited the earth? How many bathrooms are on the Space Station? What was Astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock’s last tweet?
Space Station Scavenger Hunt 9. What two astronauts will do the first 1 year mission on the space station in 2015? 10. What set of siblings will be the subject of the first Twin Study on the space station? 11. What is the current space station time in orbit? 12. When will expedition 48 launch? 13. Who are the international partners of the space station? 14. What are two experiments that are taking place or have happened on the space station? 15. How do astronauts wash there hair in space? 16. What do astronauts do for fun on the space station?
Scavenger Hunt Answers How much does the space station Weight? What are the dimensions of the space station? How many expeditions have been to the space station? 42 What was the vehicle used on the first crew mission to the space station? Russian Soyuz How many space walks have been conducted on the Space Station? 184 How many times has the space station orbited the earth? 57,361 times How many bathrooms are on the Space Station? 2 What was Astronaut Douglas H. Wheelocks last tweet?
Scavenger Hunt 9. What two astronauts will do the first 1 year mission on the space station in 2015? Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko 10. What set of siblings will be the subject of the first Twin Study on the space station? Mark and Scott Kelly 11. What is the current space station time in orbit? See page 12. When will expedition 48 launch? April 2016 13. Who are the international partners of the space station? 14. What are two experiments that are taking place or have happened on the space station? (Answers vary) 15. How do astronauts wash there hair in space? Rinse less shampoo 16. What do astronauts do for fun on the space station? Aboard the space station, crew members have many opportunities to relax and play. Like most people who work full time, astronauts get weekends off. On any given day, crew members can watch movies, play music, read books, play cards and talk to their families. They have an exercise bike, a treadmill and various other equipment to help keep their bodies in shape. During their off time, they certainly take time out to play games and generally have a good time. Look out the windows and take pictures as well. Do experiments too!
ASU: Night of Open Door
Space Club Contest: Design the AZVA SPACE CLUB TEAM PATCH Top winners get a prize!!! Must be kmailed to club sponsors for voting on Feb 14th! Must incorporate what it means to be an AZVA/K12 student and your interest in SPACE! Must incorporate color. All participants at the Feb 20th meeting will vote for our club patch.
Last year’s winner Winner’s Space Camp prizes from past years
NASA Opportunities for Students (Scholarships available- apply now)
Meeting Schedule for Semester 1: January 23rd February 6th February 20th March 27th (Tentative) May 1st May 15th Outings: May – TBA Stay up to date on the Space Club Weebly