Marine Planning: Issues and Considerations The Marine Management Organisation Pete Cosgrove
Progress to date East adopted April 2014 East review process pending South plans consultation ending January South implementation intended for 2017
Implementation of East Plans Aggregate Extraction Shows how applicants consider the marine plans Good example is the Aggs industry - provide details in their applications how they satisfy the policies within the plans
Remaining plan areas Issues Identification NE, SE, SW, NW developed concurrently Publish by 2021* Iterative approach with informal engagement in Spring NE * Allows for contingency if Independent Investigation is required by SoS
Marine planning process Iterations
Marine Plan Production Key Milestones Date Approval of Statement of Public Participation (SPP) June 2016 Call for evidence July 2016 Iteration 1 Stakeholder Engagement Spring 2017 Iteration 2 Stakeholder Engagement Spring 2018 Draft marine plans produced - SW,SE, NW, NE May 2019 Secretary of State approves draft marine plans prior to consultation July 2019 Public consultation starts (for 12 weeks) August 2019 Secretary of State approves final marine plans for adoption - SW,SE, NW, NE June 2020* Publish adopted marine plans Note the checkpoints – but not only point at which we engage. What will we * Aim for June 2020 to allow contingency, eg for an Independent Investigation if needed, rather than March 2021 share at each checkpoint?
Issues with evidence database Additional evidence submissions are still welcome, this is best done through accessing the Marine Information System and clicking on the ‘marine planning evidence base’ tab on the black bar at the top of the screen (link below). Submissions will yield fruit for iteration 2 or 3 depending on issue, evidence and impact. Newly submitted evidence will not be incorporated into iteration one due to the development stage of I1. (Google: marine planning issues database)
‘Dregd’ Issues Synopsis Maintenance dredging an obvious priority Re-use of material Smothering vulnerable habitats raised from various sources Contribution to ambient and acute noise impact
Policy Responses S-DD-1 Proposals within or adjacent to licenced dredging and disposal areas should demonstrate that they will; a) avoid b) minimise c) mitigate significant adverse impacts on licenced dredging and disposal areas S-PS-2 Static sea surface infrastructure that significantly reduce under-keel clearance must not be authorised within IMO routeing systems unless there are exceptional circumstances. S-PS-1 Proposals that have a significant adverse impact upon port activities should demonstrate that they will; a) avoid b) minimise c) mitigate significant adverse impacts upon port and harbour activity S-DD-2 Proposals must identify where use of dredge disposal sites can be minimised by pursuing re-use opportunities through matching of spoil to suitable sites.
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