Mexican History
Antonio Lopez de Santa anna Self-styled “Napoleon of the West” General in Army Infamous for losing half of Mexico to the U.S in Mexican-American War (1846-48) Lost one of his legs in battle…ordered burial of it with full military honors President 11 times in 20 years “caudillo” (military/political strongman) Lost leg in His shattered ankle required amputation of much of his leg, which he ordered buried with full military honors.
Benito Juárez Reformist president of Mexico (takes power, wealth from church, military, declares all citizens equal) National hero: much like Abraham Lincoln First president of indigenous roots (Zapotec Indian from Oaxaca) President at same time as Maximillian (France)installed as emperor Eventually prevailed; saved Mexico from returning to European control
Porfirio Díaz President of Mexico for 31 years! 1877-80;1884-1911 Kept promising elections Eventually ousted by Madero and the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
Pancho Villa Bandit turned revolutionary, Robin Hood character…stole from rich and gave to the poor by redistributing lands to widows and orphans, Charismatic leader of revolutionary forces in the north (Chihuahua). On the wrong side of the law from age 16, when he killed a man who raped his sister. Financed his army by stealing cattle and selling for guns across the US border. Killed in 1923, but still looked up to in the north for having stood up to the US
Villa and Zapata in Mexico City, 1914
Emiliano Zapata: Tierra Y LIbertad Land redistribution for people Sided with Madero, Pancho Villa vs. Carranza and Obregon, more conservative forces Killed in 1819 in “trick” by Carranza’s forces Land and Liberty: believed in redistribution of lands held by foreigners, and that taken by “hacendados” from villages. Sided with Madero (who was assassinated early on in the revolution) and
Zapata’s legacy: Zapatistas 1994 uprising against NAFTA, took over San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, etc. Subcommander Marcos Autonomous communities still under Zapatista control today